Primaris-Sized? Fabius Bile New Chaos Model SPOTTED

Fabius-Bile-The-Clone-Lord-horFabius Bile just had his front side revealed. It’s making waves around the web already so get caught up on the latest! Is he Primaris-sized?

Fabius Bile’s new picture has been making rounds across the web. We’ve seen his backside for a while now and knew he was getting some kind of rework. However, we had no idea what his front-half would look like…until now.

We Knew a New Fabius Was Coming…

fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)We initially saw Fabius’ backside as well as one of his henchmen pulling out the gene-seed from an Ultramarine’s neck.

We had also wondered if GW would be pulling the same move for Fabius as they did with Mephiston where they sculpted him after some famous Mark Gibbons artwork.

Fabius Face Revealed?

fabius bile new sculptIf this photo is indeed legit, Fabius definitely looks bigger and has the same body shape as what looks like an Intercessor. It’s still difficult to tell if he’s officially the “Primaris” sized new Chaos, like the 2019 release, but signs are definitely pointing to it.

chaos codex 2nd edition fabius bile

Looks like the torso is very similar to the art, but the hairstyle and posing are a tad bit different. Plus it looks like he’s getting at least one new model to accompany him into battle like the Dark Apostle.fabius bile war of the spider (3)At the end of the day, it’s definitely a step up from his old sculpt. Plus, from what we can tell, it looks like GW didn’t change too much on the mini. He’s still got the same skin corset on and everything.

It’s Happening Tomorrow! GW Online Previews: LATEST

What do you think Fabius new rules will be once he drops? Would you like to see him a competitive option for Chaos once again?

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