Golden Throne: Incredible Warhammer 40k GMM Diorama

gmm golden throne walDon’t miss this incredible Warhammer 40k diorama of the Golden Throne of the Emperor by GMM that also doubles as a display board.

GMM Studios has always been pushing the hobby limits for everything tabletop. This time, we’ll be looking back at an older project he completed for all those Imperial fans out there. Let’s get a closer look at his golden throne display!

Golden Throne: Incredible Warhammer 40k GMM Diorama

gmm golden throne 1If you didn’t already know, the Golden Throne is basically what’s keeping the Emperor of Mankind alive. But more than that, it’s not just a chair in a big fortified building. The golden throne is a massive life support system buried underneath modern-day Mount Everest. Now if you give anything worthy of the Emperor’s attention to imperial designers, you know they’re going to make it extremely intricate.gmm golden throne 2From cherubs to perfectly sculpted human bodies, GMM’s golden throne display captures the grimdark Greek artwork.

gmm golden throne 3

gmm golden throne 5If we had to take a guess, Big “E” is probably right behind those doors. Luckily, 1st Captain Waldios is standing guard.

gmm golden throne 4The sheer scale of everything is incredible. You could easily picture priests, Custodes, and an occasional Inquisitor or two walking up and down these steps making sure everything is running properly.

gmm golden throne 6


gmm golden throne 7GMM knocked it out of the park on this display so many years ago. But he’s not stopped his hobbying! Be sure to check out even more of his latest creations if you haven’t already.

GMM logoWhat do you think about this diorama? Is this a perfect display board for the Custodes? 

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