New 40k 9th Edition Rules For Necron Canoptek Reanimator

necrons hor walTake a look at the new rules for the Necron Canoptek Reanimator miniatures and all the new model sprues for the 9th Edition 40k Starter Set that GW revealed recently.

The BIG online 40k GW Preview for the new 9th Edition box set had some great shots of the new sprues on Warhammer TV. now that the Necrons and Primaris are out of the bag, we’re beginning to see more rules revealed on what’s coming.

New 40k 9th Edition Rules For Necron Canoptek Reanimator

warhammer 40k previewSure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

Indomitus box armiesWhile this isn’t technically an official box count, we can pretty much assume it is. As we can see without going too in-depth we’ve 2-3 troop squads, 2-3 elites, 2-3 characters, and then some for EACH side! This box is looking to be massive.

According to GW, there is a ton of value packed in this box:

In case you lost track, that’s 61 push-fit miniatures, 1 exclusive launch edition Core Book, the assembly guide and transfer sheet, and the Edge of Silence book with all the rules for your models. We actually packed it so full that we couldn’t fit any dice or tape measures inside – but we know you already have some.  

Check out the profile view of the contents from the Instruction manual, and transfer sheet!40k 9th starter box instruction sheet

They also indicated this is not for starting out, this box is for existing players and collectors of Warhammer 40k.  Here’s a closer look at the Necron model sprues from the new 9th Edition box set!


Overlord white


overlord sprue

Royal Warden

Royal Warden white


Royal Warden sprue


Plasmancer white


Plasmancer sprue


Cryptothralls white


Cryptothralls sprue

Skorpekh Lord

Skorpekh Lord white


skorp lord sprue


Plasmacyte white


Plasmacyte sprue

Canoptek Scarab Swarms

Canoptek Scarab Swarms white


scarabs sprue

Necron Warriors

Necron Warriors white



necron warrior sprue

Overall it looks like from these pics, both sides of the new 9th edition box set will have 5 sprues total, with one of them being a duplicate like the Necron Warriors above!

Skorpekh Destroyers

Skorpekh Destroyers white


Skorpekh Destroyers sprue


necron hyperphase reap-bladeThese guys are coming with an armor-melting 3-flat damage weapon option that’ll peel the top off of a tank or explode an Aggressor.

Canoptek Reanimator

Canoptek Reanimator white


Canoptek Reanimator sprueAs for the latest little official teaser from Warhammer Community, we’ve got a rule for the Canoptek Reanimator.

canoptek reanimator nano scarab beamThis is something you’ll want to use on a unit that you expect will get a lot of hate. Whether it’s a blob of Warriors, immortals, or maybe even Destroyers, this is a great way to increase your chances of getting them back. For your opponent, the Canoptek Reanimator might be another layer of the onion they have to peel before they can get rid of the problem unit. Overall, if nothing else he’ll be an objective-grabbing wound soaker.

They also hit us with this quote:

As you’d expect for something with claws that big, the Canoptek Reanimator is no slouch in combat. It’s capable of skewering any unfortunate Space Marines that mistake your support units for a vulnerable spot in your line. Ranged attacks also allow you to deanimate foes as quickly as you reanimate friends!

It sounds like they won’t be too shabby in melee and may even come with a trick to deal back mortal wounds or outright slay certain targets if it gets shot at…  The Canoptek reanimator’s points are still a mystery, however, given the latest preview, it sounds like it’s got more utility than we might have first thought.

What do you think about this giant walker? Which battlefield role do you think it’ll fill? 

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.