New Fabius Bile Chaos 40k Rules From War of the Spider!

fabius bile walHere’s all the rumored and confirmed new Chaos 40k rules for Fabius Bile and his creations from everything we’ve spotted on the web for War of the Spider.

ll of the new Fabius Bile Chaos 40k rules have been spotted over on Reddit by a user who translated all the rules details from the Creations of Bile page written in Deutsch from Imgur. We don’t speak Deutsch here at the bits (unfortunately) so everything bulleted is going to be directly from that post. Check this out.

New Fabius Bile Chaos 40k Rules From War of the Spider!

psychic awakening war of the spider

If Fabius Bile is the Warlord, it unlocks access to turn all of your Legion units into Creations of Bile, giving them that keyword for more rules and Stratagems.

  • In the Spider’s web: If your army is battle forged, your troops get objective secured.

creations of bile experimental enhancementsLegiontrait: Experimental Enhancements: Characters, Infantry (no Cultists), Biker and Helbrutes get +1 to their movement and strength.

Fabius Biles Rules


Fabius bile

fabius bile statline

Looking at his Statline, there’s nothing that seems overly exciting.

fabius bile oldIf you look at his current (soon to be old) statline, he actually got objectively worse losing 1 Strength and two Attacks.

fabius bile rod of tormentHis Rod of Torment got slightly tweaked, giving him a bonus Strength (putting him back up to S5 when he attacks). AP, Damage, and rules all stayed the same.

fabius bile the chirurgeonFor his little robot medic arms, he can make three extra attacks, which is nice. The AP is good, but at 1 Damage, you shouldn’t throw him into a crowd of Primaris duders expecting him to come out on top.

fabius bile the chirurgeon 2Probably the best rule about Fabius is that he comes with a 5+++ FNPand heals D3 a turn. He’s already deceptively tanky so if you manage to leave him with one wound left, he could go back to almost full health at the start of the turn.

The Acolyte Will Be Clutch

fabius bile war of the spider (3)The unsung hero of the unit is probably going to be his Acolyte and here’s why.

fabius bile enhancement tableLike always, you’ll be able to enhance a unit with Bile in-game. You roll a D3 and apply the result of what you roll.

  • Enhanced warriors: Now only works at the end of YOUR movement phase. It enhances a unit that is wholly within 6 inches to Bile. First Roll a d6 on a one slay 1 model.

fabius bile another pair of handsHowever, the Acolyte will come with Another Pair of Hands ability, letting you modify your roll +1/-1 which should almost always give you what you’re looking for. If you’re in a pinch and really need to make a squad hit harder or stay in the fight longer, he will be your ticket.

  • Points for Fabius Bile are 85. Surgeon acolyte 5. (90 total).

Creations of Bile Relics

chaos marine art

  • Living Carapace: A model with this relic regains 1 lost wound at the start of your turn. Furthermore, it adds 1 to its armor save (not the invulns).
  • Rapid growth projectiles: A model with this relic can choose a bolt pistol, bolter, or combi weapon it is equipped with and can choose to fire a single rapid growth projectile, instead of making its normal attack. The projectile always wounds non-vehicles on a 2+ and deals 4 dmg. –now that’s a spicy meatball.

creations of bile helm of all seeingThey’re also getting a 5+ CP refunder, which is decent. Especially since you get to roll a D6 for each CP you spend.




creations of bile stratagem macrotensile sinewsThis is a neat little trick that makes one unit deceptively fast. For one CP you can advance AND charge. (essentially reaping +2″) for 1Cp. Mega value.

creations of bile stratagem monstrous visagesFor another CP, you can turn one unit into a bunch of spooky bois, making all enemies within 6″ -1 to hit. This is extremely good if you are going against someone using a bunch of small melee units to control the board. However, we’ve seen earlier that (+1/-1) to hit modifiers are capped at a single instance so it sounds like it won’t have any effect on things like powerfists or Thunder Hammers.

  • venomous claws: Use this Stratagem in the combat phase, when a non-cultist unit of Creations of Bile is chosen to fight with. Until the end of the phase, unmodified hit rolls of 6+ with the units MELEE WEAPON (the one from the core rulebook that every model has) always hit and wound.
  • Under the master’s watch (1CP): Use this Stratagem at the beginning of your shooting or melee phase. A non-cultist infantry Creation of Bile unit that is within of 12 inches of your Warlord and has line of sight to him gets to reroll hit rolls. –If bile is as cheap as this says, a 1CP, reroll everything for units within 12″ is really good. 
  • Chitin Skin (1CP): Use this Stratagem during an opponent’s shooting phase if he declares a non-cultist Creations ofBbile infantry unit the target of his attack, the chosen unit gets +1 Toughness until the end of the phase.
  • Caught alive (1CP): Use this stratagem when a Creations of Bile Infantry unit (including cultists for a change) destroys an enemy model with a melee attack. For the rest of the battle, all lost models of that unit from this turn’s melee count as two losses for the purpose of morale checks. Each enemy unit can only be affected once by this stratagem.
  • Superior Creation (1CP): Use this stratagem before the game starts. You can only use it once per game. Choose a Creations of Bile Character model that isn’t Bile. It gains one of the following rules:

Splendid Testsubject +1 to Strength and Toughness.

Master’s Bloodhound +1 to advance and charge rolls. +1 Attack when it performed a charge or heroic intervention.

Voracious Biology 6+FNP and regains D3 lost wounds if at least 1 enemy model died within 1inch during the combat phase.

Honestly, all of those are very good traits and makes the Creations of Bile a little bit more appealing. They’ll be able to have a super smash character. Picture a Lord Disco with +1 to charge and Attack. 

Overall, it seems like the Creations of Bile have the least amount of rules in the new book from all of the other factions. However, they do have some incredibly power-spiking tricks up their sleeve.

After seeing these previews, what do you think the Creations of Bile will be doing in the meta? Will they have their place in competitive Chaos lists? Or will they stick to the realm of fluffy narrative games?

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