Are They Worth It? GW Supply Drops Contents & Value

question chaos marine hor walPeople have gotten their hands on the new GW supply drops over the weekend and have posted up what was inside, so let’s check out the value in each crate.

In case you missed it, Warhammer Community announced that they pieced together some supply crates for the Imperium in 40k and Warhammer Underworlds. This was a blind buy and wasn’t available to anyone in North America, but it was also discounted by 50% of normal retail (in GBP). Long story short, all of those crates sold out in about seven minutes. Now that some time has passed, here’s what hobbyists found inside their crate so far.

Are They Worth It? GW Supply Drops Contents & Value

warhammer supply drop

Imperium Supply Drop  £75

imperial crateFor this crate, there was a surprising amount of new Space Marine kits that came inside. Aenar on DakkaDakka, mentioning them coming from an FB group:

  • Adrax Agatone £25
  • Master Lazarus £25
  • Kor’sarro Khan £25
  • Mephiston £25
  • Fenrisian Wolf Squad £20
  • Regular Space Marine Bikers £25
  • Sisters of Battle Arco-Flagellants £30

Total MSRP: £175

Total Value: £100

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While this supply drop had some fantastic value, half of it is a bunch of characters that most hobbyists would never play together in one list.

Warhammer Underworlds Supply Drop £75

WHU supply crateThis was a crate that looked to be more focused on the current season Warhammer Underworlds (Beastgrave). It also wasn’t just models like the Imperial crate. From Aenar on DakkaDakka:

  • Nightvault’s Godsworn Hunt £20
  • Beastgrave’s Champions of Dreadfane £37.50
  • Beastgrave’s Primal Lair Terrain Kit £22.50
  • Playmat £12
  • Carrying Case £32.50
  • Counters and Tokens £12
  • Beastgrave Deck Box £5 

Total MSRP: £141.50

Total Value: £66.50

This wasn’t a terrible box either, although it has less value than the Imperial crate. If someone wanted to have literally everything they could need except for extra cards and a game board for WHU, this was a decent buy.

If you got your hands on a supply crate and snapped some pics of what you got, feel free to also send us an email at support AT!

It was interesting to see a random discounted supply drop announcement come from GW. That doesn’t happen too often. But considering that they sold completely out in under ten minutes of going live with orders, it was certainly popular. Who knows, GW could make plans to do that again sometime in the future.

Interesting that the Imperial one had Primaris Characters inside as well…

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As for the content inside those crates, what are your thoughts on them? Would you like to see themed supply crates in the futures (i.e Imperial Guard box, Ork box, etc.)?

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