Lumineth Realm-lords Wave 2 Pricing & Lineup CONFIRMED

new-releases-week-1-luminethDon’t miss the lineup and pricing for Wave 2 of the Lumineth Realm-lords and some other great content that is just around the corner from GW.

Prices have already been confirmed by retailers of what will be releasing from GW next. Check out what’s in the queue and see what you want to spend your hobby $$$ on ahead of time.

Important note:  Retailers have confirmed the prices only in Euros. We’ve converted them the best we could by comparing them to similarly priced content on GW’s webstore, as they use a process called arbitrage to artificially inflate their currency conversions across their markets.

For instance €45 should convert out to $53.16, but by charging $60 they have added nearly 10% more profit.

Alarith Stoneguard €45 ($60 USD)

Alarith Stoneguard lumineth realm-lordsThe other side of the Lumineth Realm-lords is the Alarith Stoneguard. These guys all have hammers and are more focused on damage output than just turtling up and soaking up hits.

Alarith Stonemage €32.50 ($40 USD)

lumineth realmlords alarith stonemageThe Alarith Stonemage is going to be the field Wizard for anyone running Lumineth. Shaping rocks around them to do their will, these guys also help in guiding the Spirits of the Mountain.

Avalenor, the Stoneheart King/ Spirit of the Mountain €85 ($110 USD)


Avalenor, the Stoneheart King

lumineth spirit of the mountain 1Unnamed Spirit of the Mountain

For this kit, it looks like you’ll have the option of building Avalenor, the named dude, or a regular Spirit of the Mountain with a two-handed hammer. Coming in around $100 a pop, they’re definitely an investment.

Vanari Dawnriders €50 ($60 USD)

Vanari Dawnriders lumineth realm-lordsFinally, we’ve got the Vanari Dawnriders. These are the dudes that are responsible for adding a little speed to the list. With only one ranged unit and one cavalry unit in the whole army, these dudes have a VERY important role to fill.

Black Library

Brutal Kunnin’ €22 ($27 USD)

brutal kunninWritten from the viewpoint of a band of rampaging orks, Brutal Kunnin is packed with all the action and dark humour you’d expect. See if you can wrap your head around what it’s like to be an ork as they loot and destroy a forge world.

White Dwarf 456 €8 ($9 USD)

white dwarf 456Finishing up the list, there’s White Dwarf 456. We covered some of the highlights of what was going to be in this binding. Probably the most exciting part is that the new Silver Templars Chapter rules are inside.

With a heavy focus on Age of Sigmar, there’s still a little something for 40k fans!

What are you going to grab out of this next wave of Lumineth releases? Is Teclis an auto-include? Will you be spamming as many Spirits of the Mountain as possible?

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