New Necron Codex Reanimation Protocols 40k Rule

necrons new rulesIt looks like the Necron Reanimation Protocols rules from their 9th Edition 40k codex just got better hands-down. Check out this buff.

We’ve got a pic of the Indomitus Battle Report from White Dwarf 456. There’s a small snippet on the left-hand side of the page that gives us a good idea of just how powerful Reanimation Protocols are going to be.

New Necron Codex Reanimation Protocols 40k Rule


Necron Reanimation ProtocolsReading the blue text, this is part of a written Battle Report that GW throws in each White Dwarf. Reanimation Protocols are now rolled for after each enemy attack. You basically have to kill off the unit in one go with a unit or else they’ll get to roll for reanimation. Then you can pick another unit and hope to kill them. If you don’t…Reanimation. You get the idea.

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You have to read it a little slow because, as written, you could interpret it as rolling after each singular attack, somewhat like a Feel No Pain. If you remember 7th Edition’s Reanimation Protocols, you know how powerful that can be. However, we can also see how it could be written to trigger after a selected unit finishes all of their attacks. I.e Intercessors shoot at Warriors, Warriors reanimate. Then, the opponent selects another unit to attack with, etc.

Bottom line, it’s 1,000 times better than 8th Edition’s Reanimation Protocols where the Necron player was essentially forced to eat bullets for an entire turn before they could try to reanimate. 9 times out of 10, they just had their unit fail morale and that was the end of the story.

Do you like the Reanimation Protocol rework? Do you think it’ll help units stick to the table better?

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