New AoS Box Sets for Broken Realms SPOTTED!

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal horNew AoS Box Sets have been spotted from the Broken Realms Morathi preview, let’s see what factions are getting them!

While we already saw a big box set, Shadow & Pain, it looks like we’ll be getting some smaller box sets for the other factions as well. If you’ve been looking for some new sets, keep an eye out! Let’s check out what they revealed.

New AoS Box Sets Spotted for Broken Realms!

AoS Broken Realms MorathiThe new book will be spicing things up in AoS big time! If you want to see what types of rules were teased, you can check out our post here. But for now, let’s see what type of box sets will be coming!

Shadow & Pain AoS Battlebox Sets

Shadow and Pain BoxsetThis new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction, along with some new cavalry models for the latter. This is the biggest box by far out of all the ones revealed, but at least the other factions are getting something.

shadow and pain

As well as loads of lovely models, the box includes rules and lore for everything inside, making it a perfect way to start exploring both the Daughters of Khaine and the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The story of Shadow and Pain is also a prequel to the next big event to hit the Mortal Realms. Gods will rise, the aelves will march, and the realms will break…

Lord of painThe invading forces are commanded by a Lord of Pain. This champion of Slaanesh has sampled every vice and excess the Mortal Realms have to offer and mastered the arts of agony. On the tabletop, this translates to him channeling the pain he receives in combat, sharing it with those who inflicted it, then striking them down with his wicked soulpiercer mace.

Melusai IronscaleLeading the Daughters of Khaine is a Melusai Ironscale. Crafted from the most vengeful souls among all the aelves, this elite war leader is resistant to hostile magics and can channel Morathi’s might to turn foes into immobile – but fully conscious – crystal statues. In your games, that means enemies need to beware of mortal wounds.

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Idoneth Deepkin Set

Idoneth Deepkin set


Idoneth Deepkin set rulesIt doesn’t look like you’ll get a ton in this set, but with the new rules, you’ll be able to field the Bloodsurf Hunt battalion.

Slaves to Darkness

Slaves to Darkness set


Slaves to Darkness set rulesBring the chariots and destroy those weaklings not aligned with the darkness! Both boxes so far look to be focused around 3 bigger minis to achieve the battalion.

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast Eternals box


Stormcast Eternals box rulesWhile no big models are in this one, you get a decent amount of minis. This hunter battalion is perfect for tracking down the enemies of Sigmar!

Cities of Sigmar

Cities of Sigmar box


Cities of Sigmar box setWith this kit, you get a bunch of smaller models and a single big dragon. This sorceress leads a very flexible force to the battlefield.

These were spotted on the bottom of the new Broken Realms page, so we’ll have to wait and see what more they reveal about the boxes!

Will you be picking any of these up? What do you think about the new rules coming out?

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