GW Confirms 6 New 40k Christmas Battleforces

Chrismas Battleforces 2020 warhammer 40k We saw a teaser on Sunday for the GW Christmas Battleforces, but today they confirmed even more bundles and contents! Check it out.

Today on Warhammer Community, they revealed the contents of 5 of the boxes. And if these boxes are similarly priced to last year, they are a pretty decent value. We’ll just have to wait and see what the prices end up being, but let’s stay hopeful! Here’s what we saw over the weekend.

New GW Christmas Battleforces Contents Revealed

Last year we actually got an early heads up that new battleforces were coming in a wave of holiday release rumors.  There ended up being 11 Holiday Battleforces (4 Aos, 6 40k, and 1 AT) that ranged from $170 to $200, and they were released on December 7th, 2019. 

2019 battleforcesThe highest savings came from the Tyranid Battleforce with the Drukhari Box just behind. Overall, these are all fairly popular armies in 40k and came with a decent chunk of units to get somebody started off on the right foot. Each one of these boxes allowed players to make a Patrol Detachment at the very least. However, some are closer to filling out Battalions (like the Blood Angels Box) than others.

2019 aos battleforcesYou can find out more about their value breakdowns in our article from 2019 here with all the prices. We didn’t get any more close-ups or details on the AoS stuff, but we did get some more info on the 40k side of things. Let’s check it out.

Space Marines – Interdiction Force

Space Marine Christmas Battleforce Here’s everything in the new Space Marine set:

a Captain in Phobos Armour, 10 Infiltrators/Incursors, 10 Reivers, an Invictor Tactical Warsuit, and Impulsor transport.

Necrons – Eradication Legion

Necron Christmas BattleforceThere are some pretty fun units in this one! Let’s see everything you get:

10 Warriors, 5 Immortals/Deathmarks, 5 Triarch Praetorians/Lychguard, a Canoptek Spyder, a Doomscythe/Nightscythe, Triarch Stalker and a Technomancer.

Astra Militarum – Bastion Platoon

IG Christmas BattleforceA bit of an odd assortment in this one, but still some pretty cool stuff. Here’s everything in the box:

20 Guardsman, a Command Squad and officer to lead them, a Heavy Weapon Squad and a Sentinel/Scout Sentinel, Chimera, and a Hydra/Wyvern. 

Chaos Space Marines – Decimation Warband

Chaos WarbandWhat is that we see? The Chaos Marines getting a release! Who doesn’t love to see that, let’s look at everything inside:

You’ll have 10 Chaos Space Marines, 5 Havocs, 5 Chaos Terminators, a Maulerfiend/Forgefiend, and a thunder-hammer-wielding Chaos Lord

T’au Empire – Starpulse Cadre

Tau WarbandThis box is loaded with units! For those looking to build up a Tau force, this is worth picking up! Here’s everything in the box:

10 Fire Warriors, 10 Pathfinders, 3 Crisis Battlesuits, 1 Broadside Battlesuit, a Piranha, a Commander, and more Drones than this humble scribe can count. 

Tyranids – Brood Swarm

Tyranid BroodswarmThis is a pretty great box! You get a bunch of useful units and some fun ones (may be useful when the new codex comes out?) in the way of the Gargoyles. Let’s look at what’s inside:

16 Genestealers, 10 Gargoyles, 3 Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard, an Exocrine/Haruspex, and Hive Tyrant/The Swarmlord.

We’ll have to wait and see the pricing for these, but if they’re like last year, some of these boxes will have decent value in them. We’re just worried about allocation, so if you want one of these, get on the store early to grab it!

Will you be picking these up when they go up for sale? What do you think the prices will be on these?

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