BREAKING: New 40k McFarlane Action Figure SPOTTED!

Space Marine walpaperMcFarlane might have more 40k action figures on the way, as another Primaris Space Marine was spotted getting the GOLD treatment.

A new 40k action figure from McFarlane very well may be on the way. Let’s dive right into a refresh of the previous releases and the potentially leaked image for the upcoming one!

Warhammer Community previously announced that McFarlane Toys had three more 40k action figures in the works in October! We don’t think they expected the others to sell out so quickly, as they sold out in less than 2 days. If you want any of these releases, you have to order fast! The 3rd wave will launch in April 2021.

If you want to see Rob compare the first wave to the Bandai figures, you can check it out here. Let’s check out the 3rd wave including a Sisters of Battle Artist Proof, the Hellblaster Artist Proof, and the Blood Angels Hellblaster!

3 More 40k Action Figures on the Way from McFarlane

Blood Angel Action figureFirst up is the Blood Angels Hellblaster! He’s beautifully marked with all the extras befitting a Blood Angel, like the shoulder pad and chest plate. They even gave the plasma incinerator some glowing coils for that extra layer of coolness. Like with all the other figures the paint job is pretty on point but not anything too crazy. Overall a great looking figure for all you Blood Angel players to add to your collection.

Hellblaster Artist Proof

Hellblaster Artist ProofDon’t worry if Blood Angels aren’t your thing! The Proof has the shoulder pad insignia removed and a more generic chest plate. You can paint this guy up to be part of any Chapter you want. The Proofs are a really cool and big project to test your painting skills. With an airbrush, you could probably get it down fairly quickly and have some amazing looking armor. We haven’t painted ours up yet, so we’d love to hear how it went for you on the previous releases.

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Sisters of Battle Artist Proof

Sisters Artist ProofThe painted version of this figure is part of the 2nd wave, but you can paint this one to match your own force! The one they have prepainted is definitely well done, but it’s always more fun to have a figure that matches your own paint scheme. Again, just another great project if you’ve been wanting to paint some larger scaled models.

If you want to see how they compare to the Bandai ones, check out Rob’s video below!

That does it for the previous wave, now let’s check out the rumor/potential leak for the next wave!

New 40k McFarlane Space Marine Action Figure SPOTTED!

Supposedly McFarlane had posted the next 40k action figure release on their site on Friday, January 8th. Since then, it looks like it has been removed since then, however, what looks to be the original text, and even the image was spotted making the rounds. 

gold label blood angel mcfarlaneBoom looks like we’re getting another Space Marine Lieutenant folks, this time in Gold Label form befitting a son of Sanguinius.


“Our second wave of action figures, part of our Gold Label Series exclusive to Walmart, are coming out for pre-orders soon! ⁠

Get the chance to order the 7″ Spawn (Curse of Apocalypse), Batman™️ Earth-52 (Gold Variant) and Warhammer 40,000 Blood Angels Primaris Lieutenant.”

At the time of this post, this model is not listed on McFarlane’s website or Instagram and the user who grabbed the photo has also taken it down, BUT the other two models are up for pre-order right now…

We may see an official GW announcement very soon!

Did you get any figures from the previous waves? Are you excited for another Primaris Lieutenant, this time in action figure form?

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