GW Reveals New Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors Rules

new-dark-eldar-rules-wal-horNew rules previews for the Drukhai are here from GW, so as Dark Eldar are coming in hot to Warhammer 40k 9th Edition!

Warhammer Community just revealed a few statline updates coming to Dark Eldar in their 9th edition codex update. If you aren’t interested in hearing about Xenos, be sure to check the latest Imperial previews here!

dark eldar drukhari de banner clipartAs we know the Drukhari are next in line for their 9th edition codex update. As such GW is starting to release some sneak peeks into their rules. The first of which revolves around the simple Kabalite Warriors.

Kabalite Warriors boxYou may soon start to see your Drukhari arriving in sleek new packaging, ahead of their upcoming codex release, and with it comes a sneak peek at some of the rules you can expect to see in the near future.

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Kabalite Warrior Stat Line

kabalite warrior statlineUnlike Space Marines, Eldar look to be staying at one wound a pop. This statline doesn’t however bring to light two new changes coming their way. They are getting an additional attack, and +1 to their Save. These two changes are pretty small, so they won’t see too much of a change, however facing two wound troops does hurt, so hopefully, they will be relatively cheap to field.

Splinter Cannon Stat Line

splinter cannon stat lineThey also showed off the Splinter Cannon which is one of the many ranged options the kit has access to. There are a couple of changes here. The only thing remaining the same are the range and Poisoned Weapon (which might change with the codex). The weapon will now be Heavy 3 instead of Rapid fire 3, with Strength 3 instead of user strength. It is also up to -1 AP instead of 0 and has 2 Damage instead of 1. Overall these are good changes considering SM has two wounds, these weapons just got a lot better versus them.

That does it for the rules so far for the Kabalite Warriors! Some pretty nice little changes to help your Dark Eldar gain some effectiveness.

Do you plan on playing Drukhari? Do you like these rules for them so far?

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