Sergeant Kell Lore: Unwavering Loyalty to Cadia

Sergeant Kell Lore Feature rColour Sergeant Kell may have met a grisly end at the hands of Abaddon, but he was a true hero for the Imperium and showed humanity’s strength!

If you love Cadia or Ursarkar E. Creed then you have to be a fan of Kell! His unwavering love of the Imperium is something every Guardsman should aspire to have. Unfortunately, he eventually fell (or so it seems), but his spirit lives on! Get out your biggest banner and let’s learn about some Sergeant Kell lore!

Sergeant Kell Lore: Unwavering Loyalty to Cadia

Lord Castellan Creed Sergeant Kell LoreWe probably wouldn’t be talking about Kell if he wasn’t the best friend of Creed. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have risen through the ranks by himself, but it never hurts to have friends in high places! Their friendship goes way back to the days they were serving as Cadian Whiteshileds together. Where Kell was outspoken and brash, perfect for a colour sergeant, Creed was quiet and calculating. But somehow their friendship lasted to the end.

Kell Recognized earlier than most that Creed was the only hope for Cadia to withstand the 13th Black Crusade. Because he knew he was the only hope for humanity (that’s right, not Space Marines…) he made it his life’s mission to keep Creed alive. He became the booming voice that made sure every order of the Lord Castellan’s was followed to the tee. You don’t want to mess anything up and have Kell coming after you!

Attached at the Hip

cadia astar militarum Guard hor walIf Creed took a step to the left, then so did Kell. Such was their bond, the two were inseparable for many solar decades. Kell took the worse end of the deal if you ask us because he nearly died many times keeping Creed from any harm. His Vox voice blasting orders the whole way.

But of course, he was more than an order machine. He was one of the fiercest Guardsmen to ever do it. If you wanted to get to Creed, you first had to kill Kell, for he would have jumped into a pit of vipers to save the man.

Cadia Stands!

imperial guard walUnfortunately, you can’t talk about Kell without mentioning Abaddon. The Despoiler teleported directly into the heart of Creed’s command center with nothing in mind but slaughter. But, you know Kell was having none of that! He managed to evacuate Creed into a Valkyrie before the Despoiler could take his prize. But he needed to buy time and did not board himself. He stayed to face the monstrosity. But, even though he was a fierce warrior, he was no match for Abaddon.

But he got one final dig in and his dying words were to yell “Cadia Stands” into the face of the leader of the 13th Black Crusade.

Learn More About Sergeant Kell & The Guard Here!