All the New Gaunt’s Ghosts 40k Rules & Points

Gaunts-Ghosts-Rules-40kTime to add a little stealth and fighting prowess to your army with the new Gaunt’s Ghosts 40k rules and points- check it out!

With the unit hyped and ready for hobbyists, it’s time to check out all the rules! The points for the unit have already been revealed, and the full rules will be in the box. So you can get them on the table quickly if you manage to grab a box and not have to buy another book (hurrah).

If you want to see more about the release, you can see the full lineup and pricing here. For now, though, let’s jump into the rules!

All the Gaunt’s Ghosts Rules & Points

Gaunts Ghosts rules

  • Points: 135 for the entire squad
  • Have to be taken as an Auxiliary Support Detachment.
  • No commands can be issued to them which can keep things a lot neater interaction-wise.

Now, let’s take a closer look at all the rules, in some close-ups.

Gaunt's Ghosts rules


Gaunt's Ghosts rules 2As expert scouts and light infantrymen, the Tanith First and Only are adept at sneaking behind enemy lines and avoiding detection even on an active battlefield (and they’ve had plenty of chances to prove it). Accordingly, Gaunt’s Ghosts can pop up where your opponent least expects them and meld into the shadows for all but the closest targets.

Being able to put them almost anywhere on the battlefield is pretty nice, especially if you get them into cover. They will be adding 2 to their saving throws. With how covert they are supposed to be, the rules make sense with the books.

Ibram Gaunt Rules

Gaunt rulesGaunt is the squad’s premier close combat fighter in addition to being its leader, whirring through all kinds of heretic scum with his favorite chainsword.

We were hoping you could get an additional strength on his chainsword, but still, he can get up to 6 attacks hitting on 2’s. With D2 and -1 AP, he could dish out some decent damage, but nothing too crazy.

Gaunt rulesAs you might expect from his indomitable leadership, he keeps the squad in line so long as he’s alive and can serve as an inspirational figurehead when selected as your Warlord.

Selecting the whole unit as your Warlord will make it a little easier to kill them. Mainly because they can be targeted with shooting. So if you take him as your Warlord, just be aware of that, but they all do have a decent amount of wounds and will be getting good saves in cover.

Colm Corbec Rules

colm rulesColonel Corbec carries his hot-shot lascarbine into battle and serves as the squad’s voice of command, making it all the easier to activate Stratagems for the Ghosts (with some even becoming free).

His Lascarbine is pretty nice, but giving them Stratagems for possibly free is really cool! Especially if you can keep them alive for a while, and you can get 3 or 4 uses of his ability.

Elim Rawne Rules

rawne rulesMajor Rawne is especially fond of getting his traditional Tanith straight silver knife stuck into close combat and is an expert at keeping the enemy off-balance so the Ghosts can get their licks in without obstruction.

If you get charged, you’ll at least have your chance to take out the enemy before they can hit you. At S3, only 1D, and -1 AP he’s not going to deal a ton of damage, but might be able to tear through weaker units.

Hlaine Larkin Rules

Larkin rulesAs the regiment’s master sniper, Hlaine Larkin is a crack shot with his long-las. The scope on his rifle also allows him to discover enemy positions, letting the rest of the squad know precisely where to shoot to avoid hitting defensive cover.

His sniper is actually pretty good at taking out enemy characters. If you happen to get lucky with that 6 to wound, he could theoretically dish out 6 wounds, killing most characters out there!

Try Again Bragg Rules

Bragg rulesWhile most of the Tanith First and Only are known for their expert marksmanship, Trooper Bragg’s accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. Strong enough to carry and fire (albeit not very well) weapons usually reserved for Vehicles, his enthusiasm earned him the nickname ‘Try Again’ for his tendency to keep shooting until whatever he’s ostensibly aiming at drops.

Even though he has BS 5+, if you miss both shots, you get to try again. It’s really a flavorful rule that makes him at least a little more reliable.

Oan Mkoll Rules

Mkoll RulesLastly, Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll is the squad’s stealth specialist and is a particularly skilled fighter both at range and up close. His ability to guide his fellow Ghosts through enemy territory borders on the supernatural and keeps them out of all kinds of harm.

Giving the entire unit an invulnerable save is honestly pretty helpful. So if people try to bring the unit down with really heavy fire, at least you have a chance to keep them alive!

Running a Tanith Army Using Gaunt’s Ghosts Rules

Gaunt's Ghosts rules 3There’s absolutely no reason you can’t use this datasheet as part of an ‘all-Tanith’ army if you want, simply by replacing the <Regiment> keyword on all your units with Tanith. If you do so, you can also take advantage of the Regimental Doctrines in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good to reflect the First and Only’s unique battle styles. 

The Tanith are a light infantry regiment renowned for their stealthiness and their marksmanship. As such, we recommend using the Wilderness Survivors and Disciplined Shooters regimental doctrines to best reflect their background on the tabletop. 

It would just be really cool to see an entire Tanith army! We’re sure there are going to be some sweet conversions to make this happen.

What do you think about these new Gaunt’s Ghosts 40k rules? Will you be picking up a box?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  

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