GW Reveals New Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan

a-new-titan-appears-warmaster-iconocastThe new Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan is another gigantic addition to Adeptus Titanicus- check it out!

If you like chainswords the size of buildings, this might just be the Titan for you. Obviously, the weapons don’t stop there as the left arm has some long-lost tech in the form of a Grav Imploder and of course knee weapons. Basically, if you need to punch through the enemy with more force than finesse, this will be a perfect choice.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new mini, but unfortunately no rules quite yet. If you want to see how big and how to magnetize the first Warmaster, check out Rob’s video on it here. Let’s jump into the new AT mini!

New AT Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan Revealed!

The Warmaster Titan towers above most of these engines of destruction, bristling with armaments and malice. What can you even hope to do if one of these gigantic war machines attacks your hab block? 

If your hab block is getting attacked by one of these, maybe hiding under a desk is the best way to go because what else are you going to do?

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle titanMeet the Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan. At 100 tons of ruinous energy, the Iconoclast is all about barrelling into the enemy like a 40-metre mechanical bull, delivering devastating close-range attacks with a preposterous loadout of melee weaponry. 

This is a really cool-looking version of the Warmaster, and don’t worry, there are still knee and shoulder guns! Obviously, this one is a melee-focused version and we can only imagine the type of damage a sky scaper-sized chainsword will do.

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle titan 2On its left arm, you can equip either the Krius siege drill or Krius grav imploder. The former is simple – a massive drill designed to crack fortifications, handily mounted within an enormous claw.

The grav imploder, however, is a device from a lost age, barely understood by the reckless Tech-Priests who now sanction its use. Through means unknown, the grav imploder concentrates gravity into a beam that turns the mass of an enemy against itself. This curious weapon can effortlessly implode a Titan into a heap of molten slag or crumple a Knight like an empty tin of corpse starch.

Warmaster titanicus 1This is right up our alley! Chances are that this will sell for $160 like the other Warmaster titan based on previous dual releases of the Reaver and the Warlord.

If you haven’t played Adeptus Titanicus yet, it’s actually a really fun game to get into.

Will you be picking this mini up?

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