Grey Knights & Thousand Sons 40k FAQs Have Dropped

new-faq-gw-grey-knights-thousand-sonsIt’s that time again as new Grey Knights and Thousand Sons 40k FAQs have dropped- check out what’s changing with the new books!

You know the drill, the armies have been out for a little while now, so that means an FAQ! One cool thing about this one is they are also updating their stuff from the Hexfire book as well. The majority of the changes are just clarification where they needed it, but some big changes come in the way of mortal wounds and spells.

Since they are pretty short, we’ll cover most of it for you, but if you want to download all three of them, you can here.

gk ts faq

The Hexfire book is getting a single errata, but that’s not what we’re worried about, so we’ll mainly cover the two actual codexes. Let’s get into the changes!

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons 40k FAQs Have Dropped

Thousand sons FAQThe first part of the FAQ is just clearing up some wording and changing the wording on the Infernal Master.

Thousand sons FAQ 2

They removed the Helbrute from the Malicious Volleys keyword. Then just signified that an unmodified roll of a 2+ is always a hit even in Overwatch.

Thousand sons FAQ

The FAQ portion basically clears up some questions, but one important one is the Schemes of Change, which they state you can use multiple times. The other big thing is, you have to decide to use your abilities before they use Deny the Witch, not after. Meaning you have to decide if you want to buff up the spell before they roll.

Grey Knight FAQThe Grey Knights FAQ is much smaller but with some important clarification. Tides of Convergence is capped at 6 mortals now. They also confirmed that when you put Words of Power and Tide of Convergence on a unit, every roll of a 6 actually inflicts 2 mortals.

If you want to download the whole thing, you can here.

Have you been enjoying the new books? Do these changes affect your playstyle? 

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