All The New 40k Black Templars Model Kits Still on the Way!

black-templars-title wal horHere are all the new model kits and codex books that are still on the way for the Black Templars since their Army Box release!

If the most recent AoS releases or Orks are anything to go off, we’ll probably see this come in at least two waves, but more than likely it will most likely be three waves.

All The New 40k Black Templars Model Kits Still on the Way!

We’re not sure yet when they will actually be released but expect a staggered reveal for sure. Let’s see what is still on the way and when we could see them!

Overall we have to say this update is pretty awesome and just full of really cool minis. Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of new BT armies out there soon!

Black Templars Army Box Contents Separately


Black Templars Army Box Revealed marshal

Upping the Primaris game are new Neophytes models as it looks like Firstborn and their Neophytes’ days may be numbered for hobbyists…

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gen con initiate 1


Also rounding out this set is the new Pyreblaster model along with a Sword Brother who both look to be part of the Crusader Squad that comes in the box. This box will most likely come in the first wave.

Emperor’s Champion:

Black Templars Emperors Champion 2Wreathed in divine light, descending from the cold darkness of space with righteous fury, please be upstanding for the living miracle himself – the Emperor’s Champion.

The new mini is honestly really cool without totally changing the look and feel of the original. Plus who doesn’t love them a tactical rock too boot!

Black Templars Emperors Champion 3Emperor’s Champions also wear the Armour of Faith and an Iron Halo, artefacts of such sacred power that the Black Templars have been known to launch entire crusades to recover them if a Champion falls in battle. This is a Chapter that does not mess around.

If the Orks release is anything to go off, we expect this to be in the first wave. Most things from the Orks Army box were also in the first wave and GW will probably also release this along with the BT combat patrol in a single release week as that’s all that missing from that box compared to the launch one.

Book & Cards

Black Templars Army Box Revealed limited edition book

The codex art will be different for the book when it comes out but obviously, it will come out in the first wave. Judging from the Orks release, there will be an actual collector’s codex for sale as well that will be worth collector’s pricing unlike the Army box alternate cover one.

Orks 9th ed codex


Black Templars Army Box Revealed cards

A ubiquitous offering that has gone up in price and down in quality over the last few years for sure. They are sometimes useful on the tabletop depending on the army’s rules, and the contents of the cards themselves.

Black Templars High Chaplain Grimaldus

Grimaldus black templarsGrimaldus earned his title during the siege of Helsreach, when a millions-strong Ork horde fell upon the hive city. After months of intense fighting, the survivors fell back to the Temple of the Emperor Ascendent where they held the Orks at bay until the building itself collapsed around them. 

The new mini is pretty sweet and they really just took the old sculpt and really updated it. He still has plenty of relics, seals, and skulls everywhere! Black Templars are really going to be one of the first armies to more or less go all Primaris. Unfortunately, we’d be a little surprised if this was in the first wave, just looking at how they’ve done releases in the past. They always need a strong character to carry the release.

New 40k Black Templars Helbrecht Kit

Helbrecht 3'

Amazing, right? All jazzed up in his artificer suit of Mark X armour, he looks every bit the no-nonsense crusader that we know and love. The new Helbrecht model faithfully reimagines this classic piece of atmospheric artwork, with the Chapter Master of the Black Templars standing triumphantly over the body of an Ork, the fabled Sword of the High Marshals lodged in its chest.

They definitely kept the feel of the old model and just updated it in both size and detail for the new edition. They did a great job with him and he really looks ready to lead your crusading forcing against the enemies of the Emperor! Just like with Grimaldus, he might be released in the 2nd or 3rd wave to carry the hype.


black templars sword brethren 2



maltese cross redemptor upgradeUpgrade Your Redemptor for Less!

black templars sword brethrenHere we have the Castellan – effectively a fancy-pants Black Templars lieutenant – based on an inimitable piece of Black Templars art, providing a radically different look to your average Space Marine thanks to his skeletal pauldrons, all that piping, and the unconventional armour design.

We expect this to also be its own release, but we’re not really sure where he will fit into the launch waves.

Black Templars Sword Brethren

black templars sword brethren 3The Sword Brethren have also had an almighty glow-up. This elite squad can wield a diverse array of melee weapons, including thunder hammers and lightning claws, to beat and slash some faith into the most formidable opponents.

This looks like a really big upgrade compared to the old set and the with the number of different bits they show, we expect this to be a beefy kit, and probably expensive.

black templars sword brethren 4


black templars sword brethren 5


black templars sword brethren 6


black templars sword brethren 7These guys look like they are ready for some serious crusading and with so many options, this kit will be super fun to build and paint up. If we had to put money on it, we would bank on these being in the second wave of releases for the Templars.

Black Templars Upgrade Kit

black templars sword brethren 8To represent this look across all of your army, you can get your hands on an upgrade frame packed full of details you can add to your regular Primaris Space Marines.

black templars sword brethren 9Outfit any Adeptus Astartes squad with custom pauldrons, cover your Assault Intercessors with honorific ribbons, and equip a Repulsor with a multi-melta – a weapon that the Templars favour for its ferocity.  

Honestly, this is a pretty decent upgrade kit, you can even use it to turn marines into Neophytes. With all the heads, shoulder pads, and weapons, this can take your existing force pretty easily into the new book.

Let’s just hope it’s not too expensive because you might have to grab a few of them. It would also make sense for them to put this out with the first wave so current BT players can upgrade.

Black Templars Combat Patrol Box: $140 (Rumored)

This image was spotted on Reddit, depicting what appears to be the contents of a new Black Templars Combat Patrol box from their codex book.

black templars combat patrol contents

Considering every one of the boxes has been $140 so far, we’re going to be using that as the baseline for the pricing. The contents of this are pretty useful for either veteran players or novice alike because it has actually useful units inside.

impulsor black templarsUpgrade Your Impulsor for Less!

From the looks of the image above this box may also come with the upgrade sprues set as well based on the bits shown on the Impulsor and some of the regular intercessors.

Rumors say look for the first wave to hit pre-order in November with the rest of the army to follow over multiple weeks or months.

Overall it’s a great time to be a loyalist and an even worse time to be a heretic!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

How many waves do you think this will be done in? Which release are you most excited about?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

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Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!