Battle Bling Adeptus Titanicus Alternatives: Unboxing & Build

battle bling rIf you need that to make your Adeptus Titanicus army stand out, then Battle Bling has some great bits alternatives to see in this unboxing.

The store is quite amazing and full of really sweet bits and alterantives for either Adeptus Titanicus or 40k Knights. They have everything from heads to weapons and even bases. Today Rob checks out a bunch of their bits, how they look and sees how they fit on existing minis.

He covers everything from size to look to price, that way you can decide if these are worth those hard-earned hobby dollars.

If you see something you like be sure to use Code SPIKEYBITS to Get 10% off your purchase.

Battle Bling Alternatives Bits & Kits Adeptus Titanicus

battle bling 2The site has so much amazing stuff on it and even has magnetized arms, which just makes the process so much easier for kits like Warhounds and Reavers.

There are not very many places to reliably get bits out there, so that makes Battle Bling even better. So whether you want to just grab a bit or two, or convert your whole range, they are a great place to start.

battle bling 3Plus the price on their alternatives is great and generally about half of what Forge World would charge for a similar Adeptus Titanicus bits.

battle bling 4The bits look amazing and the packaging is super cool with a little old-school flair. None of the bits were damaged when they reached us, which is always a big plus.

battle bling 5When you compare them with the current Forge World bits, they fit in perfectly size-wise.

Assembled Bits!

battle bling 6Honestly, the bits look awesome with all the supports already cut off. Obviously, there are still going to be some seam lines and whatnot, but that’s to be expected.

battle bling 7Again, the size on this is just perfect and matches really well with the existing guns.

battle bling 8They also work perfectly (and with the same magnets) as the shoulder-mounted guns as well. They just look so cool!

battle bling 9The pre-magnetized arms may be one of Rob’s favorite bits they make. While it’s not flashy, it saves a ton of time and hassle for only a few bucks.

battle bling 10Basically, they have something for every Titan and each of the bits so far has just looked amazing.

Warmaster Bits

battle bling 11


battle bling 12All the Warmaster bits are quite chonky and really give it a different feel, especially since Forge World hasn’t done any upgrade kits yet. Overall the bits fit really well, are sturdy, and just change up the look of your Titans in minutes!

Visit The Battle Bling Store Here!

Use Code SPIKEYBITS to Get 10% off your purchase.

Have you tried any of these Adeptus Titanicus bits alternatives yet from Battle Bling?

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