New Pics & Video of Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Chaos Action Figures!

chaos-joytoy-walNew 40k JOYTOY Chaos Space Marines Action Figures are on the way, check out all the new pictures and product details for…

JOYTOY has been hard at work cranking out new Warhammer 40k action figures for a while now and the newest wave is something for all you heretics out there, Chaos Space Marine Terminators!

Gcore unveiled a bunch of new pictures and even the product details about the figures! Let’s start by recapping the 2nd wave of action figures, then jump into the new stuff!

GW Reveals JOYTOY Space Marines Series Two Lineup

Librarian JoyToy

With 28 points of articulation, and a soft plastic cloak made that remains vivid and durable as you pose him, this is the first Character model that JoyToy has made for Warhammer, and it’s stunning.

So many points of articulation. Also of note… like of real note… is a soft plastic cloak. Praise the God Emperor.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t HATE fabric and plastic mixed together — but I don’t like it either.

Librarian with interchangeable hands and helmet

In case you were wondering, he comes with extra hands and you can ditch his face for a helmet. He’s basically a bigger version of the GW Primaris Librarian — which is cool to see in a large-scale action figure from JOYTOY.

MOAR Photos of the JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Action Figure

JOYTOY space marine alongside his Invictor.Yep, he’s removable- check out the JOYTOY Space Marine action figure alongside his Invictor Warsuit. So cool!

Standing 30cm tall with 45 articulated joints, hydraulic rods in the thighs, maximum stability, special gear joints let this beast of a toy stand tall in an incredible array of poses.

For those countries that have landed astronauts on the moon, this thing is basically a foot tall! Okay, fine, it’s 11.81 inches according to Google, but still…

JOYTOY space marines action figures INSIDE his Invictor Warsuit.

I guess the only question left is, who’s going to be the first one to try and slam the new JOYTOY Librarian action figure into the Invictor Warsuit? Probably a Blood Angels fan if we had to guess!

So we expect these to be out at the same time as Games Workshop labeled them as Wave 2, however, we know there are still more models to release that have been previewed below.

Closer Look: Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Chaos Action Figures!

JOYTOY Chaos TerminatorsThey are releasing six in total, three Terminators, a Chaos Lord, and two regular Marines. Obviously, these come from the Black Legion, but you can always paint them to your favorite chapter.

They didn’t give a release date quite yet, but we expect them to probably MTO (180 days) them as they have the previous waves.

In the product details, JOYTOY also noted that these figures are being manufactured to be “more durable for play”, according to translations provided by Spikey Bits reader Jenks for these new action figures below:

Additionally, joints are made with POM thermoplastic, enhancing its durability for play (my opinion: I believe this is specifically said because JOYTOY’s own figs have a tendency to break at the joints). 

JOYTOY Black Legion Action Figures:

JOYTOY showed the Black Legion Marines off in a new video posted before the holidays:

JOYTOY Chaos Terminators 2

Each figure is about 4.8inches or 12.3 cm, with 25 points of articulation, and joints are made with POM.

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joytoy chaosThe regular Black Legion Marines are really sweet and it’s great to finally have something that isn’t a loyalist!

Hailing from the Black Legion, two Chaos Space Marines join your ranks with close combat equipment befitting such brutal warriors. Their weapons and armour are dead ringers for pieces you’ll find in the multi-part plastic kit, so you can represent your own models in a bigger, more poseable way.

JOYTOY Chaos Terminators

In another video, they show the three New Chaos Terminator Action Figures.

JOYTOY Chaos Terminators 3

All have 26 points of articulation, with a height of 5.3 inches (13.4cm). The tallest is 17.5 cm. They used the black legion as a base design so that advanced users can customize it to their own legion. Other than swappable hands and removable main weapon, they will also come with a swappable head.

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Three of the legion’s finest are teleporting into action wearing mighty suits of Terminator armour, presenting a real danger to even the Ultramarines’ huge Invictor Warsuits. Each has helmeted and unhelmeted options, handy for whenever these champions need to look right into their prey’s eyes before closing a power fist around their gullet.

JOYTOY Chaos Lord Action Figure

Last but not least, the JOYTOY Chaos Lord Action Figure, which looks to be based on Obsidius Mallex from Blackstone Fortress, may be the most detailed of all!

JOYTOY Chaos Terminators 4

Height of 5 inches, 12.7 cm. The highest point is 16 cm (I’m assuming 12.7 is to the helmet, 16 to the horns). The unique design features 28 points of articulation, with a removable cape. It will also come with swappable hands, a Thunder Hammer, a plasma pistol, and a pair of “cold weapons” (in Chinese context usually refer to melee weapons).

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Rumored JOYTOY Warhammer Action Figures Still on the Way

According to  Fauxhammer these are the latest rumored new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action figures that are still potentially out the way.

  • Primaris Assault Space Marines – Ultramarines (CONFIRMED)
  • Death Company Space Marines (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Librarian (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Black legion (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marine Terminators – Black Legion (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Champion – Black legion  (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Thousand Sons
  • Orks 

If you want to grab the first wave right now, you can check out our pricing post and where you can grab them!

All The New Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action Figures

Will be picking up any of these JOYTOY Warhammer Chaos Space Marines Action Figures? 

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