Top 10 Conversion Corners of 2021 According to You!

1-best-minaitures-conversions-2021These are the top 10 Conversion Corners of the year according to Spikey Bits readers, so if your miniatures made it in here, people really loved them!

People put a lot of work into their favorite minis, and we love when hard work pays off. This year there was more time to hobby than usual and these great hobbyists knocked it out of the park. Hopefully, these inspire you to get back on the miniatures grind and get your army all converted up.

Let’s see what the most viewed were!

10) Taking the Repulsor to a New Level: Conversion Corner

Primaris Repulsor ExecutionerWhen the Space Marines need to not only move fast but be able to destroy whatever they run into they call out the big guns!

9) Oil is Precious in the Grimdark: Conversion Corner

oil rig rEven in the wargaming universe machines still need gas, and other such things to keep running, what do you think anointing oils are?

8) Black Rage Rising: Conversion Corner

There are some places you can travel to in the 41st millennium that just remind you how much of a gothic dystopia you’re in!

7) Primarch Vs. Titan: Conversion Corner

primarch vs titanWhen you think of people who can take out a Titan single-handedly there are very few that actually can do it!

6) The Angel Sanguinius Follows Me: Conversion Corner

the sanguinuis angelWhen you think of the Blood Angels you probably think of red armor and blood, but that’s not how their boss looked!

5) Grey Knights Turning Primaris: Conversion Corner

the grey knights are bestThe Grey Knights are some of the most well prepared to take on Chaos of any armies in the Imperium!

4) The Deadly Beauty of Knights: Conversion Corner

Feature (2)The Imperial Knights are usually called in when the regular Space Marines just aren’t cutting the mustard!

3) A Creation of Orky Genius: 40k Army of One

Ork feature rThe Orks are always willing to build whatever they find lying around into a new weapon and sometimes it works to a SCARY extent!

2) A Dead Dread: Conversion Corner

I could use you like i could use a hole in the headWhen you wander around a battlefield that has long since passed, you will find all sorts of interesting things just left behind!

1) When Star Wars Meets Necromunda: Conversion Corner

Iie LaatIf you ever find yourself in a space adventure you never know what type of alien-looking ships and vessels you will run into!

Which of these is your favorite? Did you get your mini on the list?

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