New Blood Bowl Norse Team & Underworlds Warband Revealed!

blood bowl-norse team The GW AdeptiCon preview revealed a new Blood Bowl Norse Team along with a new type of Undead Warband- check it out!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our commentary! For those hoping for a new team or warband, well, you’re in luck! The Blood Bowl team is full of crazy players, and the warband is a shambling horde!

GW AdeptiCon Preview

AdeptiCon Preview 3

We’ve also got tonnes of hobby right here on – along with a look at some of the new rules from Arena of Shades and interviews with some of the designers of the new Aeldari kits, we’ll have full coverage of all of the big reveals from this year’s AdeptiCon. 

AdeptiCon Preview 2GW AdeptiCon Preview: New Blood Bowl Norse Team

The team itself is really quite frightening! They are also cool enough that even if you don’t play the game, these could make for some awesome conversions.

Norse Blood BowlThe players themselves are quite fearsome, and we wouldn’t want to play against them!

Norse Blood Bowl 2

The team has some unique positionals, including the skilful Valkyries, the brutal Berzerkers, and the even more brutal Ulfwereners, who look like they could have flown in straight from Fenris for a game of Blood Bowl. Our favourite player is the Beer Boar, though. Not only do they provide a quick mid-game pick-me-up to the rest of the team, but they’ll surely be challenging the Avatar of Khaine for this year’s Miniature of the Year prize.

The Beer Boars might be the best players you can get! Plus, GW has really been on the animal minis kick lately, so this keeps that going.

New Warband: The Exiled Dead 

Warhammer Underworlds 2


Warhammer Underworlds 3

Deintalos and his reanimated cadavers seek to uncover every secret in Harrowdeep. Much like Blackpowder’s Buccaneers, the Exiled Dead offer a unique take on the inhabitants of the Mortal Realms – in this case, a real mad-scientist version of zombies.

This is an interesting way to go with the undead, as he uses science and not just the arcane.

Warhammer Underworlds

That vampire is Deintalos the Exiled, a necromancer whose grisly experiments went too far for even those in Shyish. Can you imagine experimenting so much with necromancy that even Nagash asks you to knock it off? In Harrowdeep, far from prying eyes, he continues his work, assisted by his mortal apprentice Marcov.

The models are pretty sweet and could help spice up your AoS army as well as making a cool Warband.

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW in 2021, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For All the GW Previews & Adepticon 2022 Coverage

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