New Mandalorian Super Commandos & Legion Cards Pre-Order!

Mandalorians FeatureWhile the Mandalorian Super Commandos kit is still on pre-order, you can order it right now and check out all the new cards!

Now is the time if you’ve been waiting to get into the game! Come on; you love Star Wars, and you might as well play it on the tabletop. If you’ve already been playing, you’ll be been getting tons of options to expand your forces. Star Wars: Legion is just a really fun game, and with all the additions, each game will have even more flavor.

Atomic Mass Games revealed this new set and a bunch of the cards. The only downside is they won’t be released until June 17th, but that’s really not too far away now.

The new models will really let you grab some interesting units with some really fun sculpts.


new Star Wars LegionThis is just a really cool box with a ton of awesome minis in it! If you love everything Star Wars: Legion, check out what else is going on with it.

new Star Wars Legion 2Here’s what they have to say about the new set:

Mandalorian Super Commandos bend the galaxy to Maul’s will in this expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Previously members of the notorious Death Watch, these elite Mandalorian warriors now follow Maul because he wields the Darksaber.

new Star Wars Legion 3

With them, players have a powerful new special forces option for their Shadow Collective forces. In addition to six Mandalorian Super Commando miniatures and a unit card, players will also find three command cards specifically designed for use with mercenary units in this expansion as well as eight upgrade cards that invite them to customize their units with heavy weapons, new gear, and more!

New Cards:

Super commandosHere’s what they have to say about the new cards:

Mandalorian Super Commandos are a well-equipped unit, with plenty of keywords to reinforce their status as special forces in the Shadow Collective. Highly mobile speed 3 units, they have a flurry of defensive options with both Jump 2 and Defend. Impervious and a defensive surge only compliment these benefits, meaning that the Super Commandos are going to have a lot of protection as they advance across the battlefield. Independent: Aim 1 gives the Mandalorian Super Commandos a useful boost when they operate on their own.


Mandalorian super commandos

Not a unit to be without an arsenal of weapon options, the Mandalorian Super Commandos bring new and familiar tools to your games of Star Wars: Legion. The first is their Jetpack Rockets. Seen on Mandalorians throughout the galaxy, these rockets boast a potent combination of Blast, Impact 1, and Critical 1. To further increase their defensive capabilities, the unit can also equip Super Commando Combat Shields, which add the Shielded 2 keyword.


Mandalorian super commandos 2

In case the unit needs assistance, they can also equip an Emergency Transponder. This new Comms upgrade allows the unit to gain 1 aim token, 1 dodge token, or remove 1 suppression token if they were activated with an order from your order pool.


Mandalorian super commandos 3

Coming in with four strong options, the Mandalorian Super Commandos have several unique heavy weapon upgrades to represent their utility on the battlefield. Rook Kast can be equipped to give the unit Retinue: Maul, as well as a strong offensive boost and an extra wound. If you are looking to synergize with Independent: Aim 1, the Super Commando Gunslinger adds four more attack dice at range 1-2 on top of the Lethal 1 keyword. If your army is looking for longer-ranged options, the Super Commando Marksman has you covered, providing extra punch at range 3 and Precise 1. And not to be forgotten, the generic Super Commando gives the unit Cache: Surge 2, which allows them to save an offensive boost for the right moment.

That does it for this one, now go pre-order some awesome minis!

Get your Super Commandos Here!