Here’s the latest Balance Warscroll and General’s Handbook leaks with almost all the points changes and rules that may be on the way for AoS!
GW just announced the new General’s Handbook, and we already have some pretty giant Balance Warscroll and points changes and rules rumors. Before we go further, though, don’t forget these are rumors, so nothing is confirmed 100% until GW actually says it for themselves. So, take these with as much salt as you need.
There are points for basically everything, so there will be a lot to go through. Let’s get into all the changes.
UPDATE: The new 2023 AoS Battlescroll update is out; you can find it by clicking here.
RUMORS: AoS Balance Warscroll Rumors & Leaks
These were spotted in Discords, Facebook Groups, and even Reddit. We’re focusing on the first set of changes for Grand Alliance Order factions.
Cities of Sigmar are getting a ton of changes, but that’s more or less going to be the norm as we keep looking at the points. However, they actually had more decreases than increases, which should hopefully buff them up ahead of thier impending battletome rework.
Morathi is getting a points increase, but there are some huge decreases, especially with 20 points on Bladewind!
Other than Allopexes, basically, every unit is getting a big decrease in points. They need the biff, so we’ll see how it turns out.
Fyreslayers are also getting a ton of decreases, and it really seems like GW might actually be listening to what players want from the overall meta and how armies are fairing at tournaments.
Most armies are grabbing all kinds of buffs, or at least the armies who aren’t doing great right now…
They aren’t getting as many point decreases, but the ones they are getting are pretty big, with the majority being around 20 points off.
Seraphon is one of the few armies actually getting a lot of point increases, which makes sense when you look back at the meta of 2023!
Sylvaneth almost see points decreases across the map, with bigger models getting huge decreases.
Stormcast has a lot of units, and the majority are getting buffs!
AoS Destruction Points Changes
It looks like there are no changes to Gloomspite, which we guess makes sense wince their book is coming soon.
Ogors actually get more increases than decreases, which is only the second army since Seraphon.
Orruks need some help, so seeing a lot of decreases is nice!
Sons of Behemat get nothing but point decreases, so we’ll have to see how this changes up the faction!
AoS Chaos Points Changes
The same reasoning here as for Gloomspite most likey, as they are getting a new book soon.
They are keeping up with the more radical changes, and instead of going 5 points, things are almost all 10-20.
Wow, The Glottkin is being reduced by 50 points! Maybe people will actually start running the model more often now!
Skaven is getting a ton of point decreases, and the Hell Pit Abomination is decreasing by 35 points!
Wow, Hedonites are getting a points decrease on nearly every unit! They have been struggling, and with this many decreases, it might just push them back into the meta.
Of all the armies, these are probably the smallest changes, with 5 points here and there. Also, just to note, again, Slaves to Darkness is not getting any changes this time around.
AoS Chaos Points Changes
55 points off Nagash is nice, but he’s still 900 points, so basically, half your army either way!
Soulblight is getting a ton of decreases as well and sp,e sizeable ones with 20-25 points all over the place.
Last but not least, Bonereapers grab some of the biggest decreases for all of Death.
Battalions & Magic Changes from General’s Handbook
Here are more Balance Warscroll and General’s Handbook leaks with almost all the points changes above, and rules that may be on the way for Age of Sigmar next up:
We saw this actually previewed from GW, so there is nothing too crazy here.
Grinding Teeth could deal serious damage if there are a lot of units around and you roll a little bit lucky!
Then, No Retreat will give you more attacks and a way to pile in.
Battlescroll, Battle Tactics, & Grand Strategy Changes
Nothing too crazy here but some good changes for sure!
It looks like Witch Aelves aren’t going to be the only ones scoring easier from here on out, as Sisters of Slaughter will also.
These are a little harder, it seems a lot harder to score than some more recent ones, but we’ll have to play some games before making final thoughts.
All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors
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