Horus Heresy Adds a New Librarian Consul Model!

Horus Heresy Librarian Consul featureThe Emperor’s edicts mean nothing to the Horus Heresy Librarian Consul who can shoot warp lighting- check it out!

It looks like more psykers are coming to Horus Heresy, and the Edicts of Nikaea are not going to be followed when the entire fate of humanity hangs in the balance! The traitors have the Esoterist Consul, but now the loyalists are getting a Librarian! 

They do mention this will be resin, which means it will come from Forge World. So, if you were wishing for a plastic mini, that’s not happening this time around! Let’s check it out!

New Horus Heresy Librarian Consul Model Revealed!

The new model comes from Warhammer Community.

Horus Heresy Librarian Consul

Librarians are the psychic specialists of the Space Marine Legions, channelling the fury of the Immaterium into bolts of lightning, gouts of searing flame, and all manner of spectacular supranormal techniques. Given the sheer power at their fingertips, these warp-wielding warriors commonly rise to high ranks within their Legions – few Primarchs* entirely shunned their skills until the aforementioned Edicts.

The model is pretty interesting and has some sweet detail. With it being in resin, though, there probably won’t be a ton of options (but there will be another head option).

Horus Heresy Librarian Consul 2

This resin miniature can be fielded as a Librarian from any Legion, clad in a suitably-modified suit of MKVI power armour. The details adorning their armour are clean and regal, contrasting their ordered, careful exploration of warp power against the flashy, devil-may-care Esoterists.

It’s nice to be able to field this for any legion, but it makes sense as there isn’t any real legion insignia. Overall, just a really cool model and should be fun to add to your forces!

New Rules

Horus Heresy Librarian Consul 3

Though perhaps less ostentatious than their 41st Millennium descendants, the Librarians of the Horus Heresy are no less formidable in combat. Even when not unleashing aetheric lightning, their signature Force weapons strip the life from enemies with coruscating psychic power, scything through armour and flesh as easily as a puff of magic smoke.

If you really need the extra strength, just take that psychic test (and obviously pass…), and dish out the damage!

Horus Heresy Librarian Consul 4

Librarians have access to a wide array of potent powers, from arcane attacks to empowering enchantments, while some Legions supplement their psychic education with their own unique disciplines. Stormseers of the White Scars can conjure The Unseen Bolt with their mastery over atmospheric power, while the Word Bearers’ cursed Diabolists call forth blistering Hellfire – to name but a few.

With a 72″ range, the Unseen Bolt will be able to target most things and, with a large blast, will really smash through the enemy. Then, Hellfire is super powerful when you finally get to close range.

Will you be picking up this new Horus Heresy Librarian Consul when it drops? Do you like how the model looks? 

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