GW Reveals Their 20 Best Warhammer Miniatures Ever

GW 40 Years of Best Miniatures featureGames Workshop has revealed the 20 best miniatures since 1983 for their festive Warhammer 40th anniversary!

2023 marks a huge anniversary for Warhammer, and it’s just awesome to see some models from way back in the day and how they have evolved. To start, they are going way back to models that were more or less the basis for a ton of their minis moving forward!

GW Reveals Their 20 Best Warhammer Miniatures Ever

Over the years, Games Workshop has carved out a remarkable legacy in the world of miniature gaming. Renowned for their meticulous craftsmanship and intricate designs, Games Workshop miniatures have captured the hearts and imaginations of hobbyists worldwide.

leviathan starter set box lineup

With attention to detail and dynamic poses, Games Workshop has consistently raised the bar, creating stunning visual representations of fantastical worlds. The popularity of these miniatures stems from the immersive experience they provide, allowing players to bring their favorite characters and armies to life on the tabletop.

Whether collecting, painting, or engaging in strategic battles, Games Workshop miniatures continue to inspire and captivate hobbyists, fueling a passionate community of gamers and enthusiasts.

20: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

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Ghazghkull is da meanest, da greenest, da fightiest Ork ever to have lived. Possibly.* This incarnation of Ghazghkull debuted with Codex: Armageddon, which covered the Third Armageddon War and supported a worldwide campaign run by White Dwarf to decide the fate of the planet – you could even mail in your game results.

It’s hard to find a bigger and meaner Ork out there! This model has always been iconic, and even with a new model, the old one still holds up.

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Who knows what the future holds for this boisterous Warboss, but things certainly seem to be trending in a particular direction – we shudder to think what might come next. For now, he enters the hall of fame as one of the purest expressions of orkish ingenuity and brutality. 

Obviously, the new model is amazing and is just so intimidating on the battlefield!

19: Gotrek the All-slayer, Grombrindal the White Dwarf, & the Legendary Brewmaster Josef Bugman

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This trio are among the most famous heroes in all of the Warhammer fantasy lore. We’ve already looked at Gotrek Gurnisson (and his pal Felix), while Grombrindal barely needs an introduction, as his name is all over the monthly gaming magazine! Also known as the White Dwarf, this legendary warrior always tends to appear whenever the going gets tough for his kin – some believe he is actually the eldest son of the Dwarven God Grungni, Snorri Whitebeard*.

Josef Bugman may not be born of a god, but he does brew the best ale in all the world which makes him practically a demi-god in dwarfen eyes. There’s a reason that Warhammer World has its very own Bugman’s Bar.

All three appeared together in one classic miniature to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of White Dwarf – that’s one legendary dwarf for every 10 years.

This model is just so cool, as it comprises three of the most famous characters in GW’s history! We can only imagine the amount of drinking these three can do together.

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Grombrindal has worn all sorts of hats throughout the ages, trading high fantasy for grim-dark science fiction, or even the firm touch of the astrogranite.** He isn’t shy about donning new duds to help celebrate the anniversary of the magazine he shares a name with either – as long as no-one messes with his classic shock of white hair. 

Obviously, the Dwarf models over the years have really gone some crazy routes, and GW pretty regularly puts out cool commemorative minis for them.

18: Space Marine Standard Bearer

best warhammer Minaitures

The Space Marine Standard Bearer represents a big step for Games Workshop as it marks when the point when the company moved almost everything under one roof at the Willow Road site, a destination that would eventually become known as Warhammer World. 

It’s always been awesome to show off your chapter pride with a standard bearer, and this model really was awesome!

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As you can see, this Space Marine Company Standard Bearer is steeped in history and symbolises a whole lot more, just like every miniature in the 40 Years of Warhammer series.

The standard bearer has continued to grow along with the Space Marines, and they are just so iconic on the tabletop! No one, they are one of the best Games Workshop Warhammer Miniatures of the last 40 years.

17: Deathmaster Snikch

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Deathmaster Snikch is the most murderous of all the assassins of Clan Eshin*, the living embodiment of the treacherous nature of all Skaven. 

A supernaturally skilled assassin armed with three weeping blades – one clutched in his tail – dripping corrosive venom, Snikch was notorious for his ability to get into any palace, keep, or warren at the decree of his master, Nightlord Sneek.


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Not even the apocalypse was enough to eradicate them from reality. Like true vermin, they survived the complete annihilation of the World-that-Was, taking up residence in the decaying realm-straddling cesspit known as Blight City in the Mortal Realms.

Skaven have always had a special place in the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy and were at the forefront of the popular Vermintide video game.  Thus their place in the lexicon of popularity has been sealed for all time when it comes to both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer Fantasy lore.

16: Bloodthirster

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Red, mad, and wearing scorched brass armour, Bloodthirsters are the furious expression of the martial might of Khorne, the god of war, blood, and skulls. This metal miniature was Khorne’s exemplar for more than a decade, bestriding the battlefields of the Old World and the 41st Millennium, its nightmarish bovine/canine features twisted into a horrendous visage of exquisite apoplexy.

If you played Chaos, you wanted this model! It towered over so many things on the battlefield, and this model stayed in the game for a long time.

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In all, nine Bloodthirster models have been made by Citadel: the original metal miniature from the late 1980s, today’s featured daemon from the mid-90s, an Epic scale Bloodthirster, a towering Exalted Bloodthirster from Forge World, Skarbrand the Exile, the current kit which makes a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury, a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, and a Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster, and Ka’Bandha the Daemon General. 

You can clearly see the inspiration from the older models, but they have really evolved and just look amazing now!

15: Orc Shaman

Orc shaman

Named Nazgob, this hunchbacked malevolent magician marked a real break from the past. Previous orcs had still been green – but far less mean. Legendary Citadel sculptor Brian Nelson was part of the team that changed all that, creating hulking green beasts with a uniquely slouched anatomy and vast, gaping gobs bristling with great ivory gnashers.

This model is still cool to this day as it just looks so iconic and orcy!

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These days, Nazgob and his  contemporaries inform almost every orruk in the Age of Sigmar. Even the huge, armoured Ironjawz share a morphology – albeit with a lot more muscle gained from not mucking around with all that magic. The more kunnin’ Kruleboyz meanwhile take from him their sartorial tips – all those hoods and rags are pure Nazgob…

Orcs have obviously come a long way, but it’s always cool to see where the green boys came from!

14: Ragnar Blackmane

Ragnar Blackmane

Ragnar Blackmane may be known to many as the Young King, but he’s actually a bit of an elder statesman when it comes to his origins as a miniature. In fact, when Ragnar burst onto the Warhammer 40,000 scene back in 1992, he was the first* of a new wave of unique Space Marine characters to earn their very own profile and special rules in their parent Codex. Many other Chapter-specific heroes were soon to follow, including the likes of Dante and Azrael, but it was Ragnar who blazed that trail.

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Along with the hugely expanded lore and accompanying artwork in the inaugural Space Wolves Codex, Ragnar’s mighty miniature helped to cement the identity of the Chapter. With a wolf-headed backpack, a Belt of Russ strapped to his waist, and an enormous wolf pelt draped from his shoulder, the lupine influence of Fenris was on full display for the first time. 

Ragnar is basically the ‘chosen one’ of the Space Wolves and one of the first to get the update to primaris as well. The new plastic model keeps the same style of the old, with a great new dynamic pose even!

13: The Green Knight

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This magnificent figure was sculpted by the legendary Michael Perry. Incredibly, it was one of the first models he completed after losing his favoured hand at a battle reenactment – and it remains one of the all-time greats in the Citadel catalogue. The scalloping on the caparison is flagrantly detailed, and the weight of the steed is appreciable both in terms of the exquisite sculpting and the mass of the metal in which it was cast!

Honestly, when we got into Warhammer, this model captured our imaginations! It was nearly impossible to look at this and not just be in awe!

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This legendary figure would lead the armies of Bretonnia through four editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, and was eventually revealed to be none other than the reborn Gilles le Breton, first king of Bretonnia. Gilles would go on to play an integral part in the End Times, leading a desperate Bretonnian rearguard alongside the noble vampire Abhorash after King Louen Leoncoeur fell to his own son.

With Warhammer Old World on the comeback trail, and Bretonnians confirmed, we’ll get to see another evolution of these incredible models!

12: Space Marine Dreadnought

Initially produced in metal, this hefty walker was able to fulfil a variety of battlefield roles from close assault, to tactical support, or even assist Devastator Squads with long range firepower, using a combination of power fists, multi-meltas, assault cannons, missile launchers and twin-linked lascannon. Being cast in a fairly heavy metal alloy, it was often wise to add extra support in the form of ‘pins’ to the arm and weapon joints as mere superglue alone was sometimes not enough to keep them attached in the midst of a game! There was, however, nothing like bringing a furious lump of Imperial righteousness to a tabletop dust-up in the heady days of the 1990s and Dreadnoughts were among the most common additions to any Space Marine force.

It’s hard to not love this Dread! It’s basically existed for a long time with only minor changes, so you know it has to be good.

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Interestingly, the iconic Castra Ferrum was not the first Imperial Dreadnought released – there were three earlier patterns from the Rogue Trader era, the Furibundus, Contemptor, and Deredeo. The latter two would be reborn for the Horus Heresy series, joining the massive Leviathan on the battlefields of the 31st Millennium.

These are actually the first Dreadnoughts, but at least they showed them some love as well!

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The Redemptors are a remarkable evolution of the original dreadnought, and it seems GW is going more and more in this direction.

11: Vyper Jetbike

Vyper Jetbike

The Vyper soared out of the Craftworlds at the height of the second edition of the game, when the chaotic skirmish games of the Rogue Trader era had given over to proper cinematic battles fought between brightly painted armies on cheerful green bases.


Vyper Jetbike 2The Vyper was a masterpiece in plastic engineering, and the first plastic vehicle sculpted with curved panels and clean lines. The Aeldari are a graceful race with a sleek aesthetic quite unlike the bulky brutalist shapes of Imperial tanks or the ramshackle creations of the Ork Mek Boyz, and the kit needed to reflect this. While the overall shape of Eldar technology had previously been set with plastic jetbikes that came out in the mists of 1991, with the same oval cowlings and wraithbone fins that would help define the rest of the range, seeing it elegantly refined in detailed plastic was a game-changer.

As one of the very first models to get a plastic kit in the early 1990s, the Vyper hasn’t changed much since then. However, this vehicle has set the standard for all the other jet-style models for the Eldar that have been produced since, and doesn’t look out of place next to them despite being 30 years old.

10: Warlord Titan

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First among their number were the almighty Warlord Titans, an innovative plastic kit which rapidly earned these hulking war machines the affectionate nickname “beetleback”. They came with four interchangeable weapon hardpoints and loads of options on the sprues – allowing you to kit these very big lads out with power fists, chainfists, multi-meltas, assault cannons, defence lasers, macro cannons, plasma cannons, multi-launcher pods, and one very large rocket. You could also swap out the heads with a choice of two on the sprue, while the bases came with a clever cardboard dial within, to record how many void shields remained.

This was such an iconic mini, and even to this day, there are minis designed by Games Workshop to this day that are very reminiscent of this!

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The original plastic Warlord Titan made it through two editions of Epic Space Marine before it was updated, eventually earning two separate metal iterations. And while epic scale Warhammer is in abeyance, the current edition of Adeptus Titanicus has brought many more God-engines out to play.

It goes without saying that Titans have really grown over the years and now there are just some insane engines out there that are some best Games Workshop miniatures produced for Warhammer 40k (some even in resin from Forge World).

Number 9: Rhino


Warhammer is all about the tanks. Big ones, small ones, some the size of your head. But believe it or not, there was a time when not a single tank or vehicle was available.

That all changed in 1988 with the arrival of the Rhino APC. A true workhorse vehicle within the Warhammer 40,000 mythos, this Armoured Assault Vehicle has had more than 10,000 years of service in the armies of the Imperium – and over a decade in your armies out in the real world.


As the first large plastic kit, this was a true revolution in Warhammer design. It’s one of the most popular tanks we’ve ever made, laying the groundwork for dozens of variants and for all the other vehicle kits that were yet to come. The limitations of plastic technology at the time meant that the kit was longitudinally symmetrical, with many repeated elements – it came on two sets of two identical sprues. Even with this necessary economy, what resulted was a thing of brutalist beauty that still sets the tone for Imperial vehicles today.

Probably one of the best-selling models of all time for Games Workshop, the Rhino kit started out small in 1988 but had a big heart.  Updated in the early 2000s, the Mars Pattern Rhino became the standard for many other plastic Space Marine kits to this day, including most of the Horus Heresy line after 2022.

Number 8: Gotrek and Felix

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This dynamic duo debuted in the story Geheimnisnacht by William King – featured in the 1989 anthology Ignorant Armies – and went on to inspire and star in a long-running novel series that has pitted them against unimaginable horrors, terrifying tyrants, and lots and lots and LOTS of goblins.

These two have been through so many adventures, so it was always cool to play with them on the tabletop!

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And though Felix didn’t survive the demise of the World-that-Was, Gotrek now has new companions to call upon in the Mortal Realms to take part in his doom-seeking adventures.

Even though Felix isn’t around anymore, the Fyreslayer line has some pretty wild minis and the new Gotrek is just amazing!

Number 7: Imperial Space Marine (First Multi-Part Space Marine)

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Back in the day, that legendary initialism simply stood for Rogue Trader Box One. This box of thirty multipart Space Marines was released alongside the Rogue Trader rulebook, the source from which the universe of Warhammer 40,000 would emerge.

Getting 30 marines on a sprue must have been awesome! Plus, these minis are just so iconic now and really started a lot.

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All of these options combined allowed the creation of the Tactical Squad, a flexible and formidable fighting unit that forms the backbone of many Space Marines’ armies to this day.

Just look at this sweet old sprue with so much empty space! The sprue designs have definitely come a long way.

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Every Space Marine unit followed in the footsteps of this boxed set, and with the recent launch of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, this legendary kit was refreshed as the Legion Mark VI Tactical Squad, complete with chain bayonets bolt pistols and many of the same accessories included in RTB01– the swish-looking rocket launcher and flamers can be found in the Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set and Legion MK VI Tactical Support Squad boxes. 

Obviously, the Space Marines have become GW’s main line of minis, so they have really evolved from this kit!

Number 6: Imperial Dragon

Imperial Dragon

Perhaps the largest miniature available in the late 1980s, the Imperial Dragon was so big that it didn’t even have sculpted wings! Instead, you created your own wing membranes out of paper or tin foil to cover the dactyly (the fingers of the wing). Incredibly, this beastie was also all metal, which required a lot of superglue and much pinning to prevent him from falling apart!

What’s cooler than dragons in fantasy? Not much and this old dragon is just so cool!

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These days, Stormcast Eternals heroes ride hefty Draconiths into battle. The forces of Order are allied with Krondys and Karazai, the mighty sons of Dracothion. These colossal heroes aren’t anyone’s ride into battle, and their classic features and imposing wingspans hark back to the dragons of yore.

There have been bunches of dragons since this, but it’s really awesome to see where they came from.

Number 5:Chaos Renegade

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This terrifying specimen is an early incarnation of the now-ubiquitous Chaos Space Marine. Twisted by the ruinous powers, the Chaos Renegade wore similar armour, but with strange organic shapes, horns, and weapons fused directly into their flesh.

Ah, the model that started it all for chaos! He has the plasma gun built into his arm, so you know he’s fully corrupted by Chaos and just such a cool old model!

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Today, the Chaos Space Marines all hark back in some way to this one renegade, from distorted Legionaries with corrupted armour to the inhuman Possessed and the grossly transfigured Obliterators.

Obviously, Chaos Space Marines have evolved quite a lot through the years into some of the best Games Workshop miniatures produced for Warhammer 40k.

Number 4: Grom the Paunch

Grom the Paunch

Some consider this corpulent warlord to be the first true special character in Warhammer. This super-sized goblin was a superb metal miniature, but many people first saw him as a cardboard cut-out in the starter set for the fourth edition of Warhammer Fantasy. He led many a horde of monopose goblin spearmen in two dimensions against the haughty High Elves of Ulthuan.

This model was just so awesome in its heyday, and if you saw this when it first came out, you had no choice but to love it!

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Grots have befriended wolves throughout Warhammer history, and the Snarlfang Riders have revived this ancient partnership in the Mortal Realms. 

Obviously, chariots have come quite a long way and even though we don’t have Grom anymore, we at least have wolf riders!

Number 3: Skeleton Horde

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This boney boy was part of a whole band of mates – the box came with a whopping 24 figures, in fact. Each sprue had enough parts to make four individual warriors with lots of head, arm, and weapon options. This box of undead horrors marks the moment that Warhammer began to shift from a roleplaying game towards one about armies clashing in grand battles.

Who doesn’t love skeletons? This old model is so iconic and just really launched a long line of amazing undead!

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Skeletons are central to the Warhammer setting to this day. Soulblight Gravelord armies pack in gaggles of Deathrattle Skeletons to protect their vampire masters, while the Ossiarch Bonereapers use bits of bone to reforge osseous constructs, and the Sons of Velmorn show that even a humble skeleton can look fearsome and regal.

Obviously, they have evolved quite a bit over the years, but you can really see where they come from!

Number 2: The First Space Marine

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Great things often have humble beginnings, and the vast and enthralling universe of Warhammer 40,000 is no different. The first Space Marine is the spark that lit the fire – more medieval knight than sci-fi soldier, his oversized pauldrons and pointed helmet captured everyone’s imagination, and remain a touchstone for Space Marine design. 

It’s pretty awesome to see this first Space Marine! while power armor wasn’t as evolved, it’s just a really cool mini. Plus, you know this guy has seen countless battles.

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Modern designs would refine the aesthetic, but everyone loves a beakie – which we now know as Mark VI ‘Corvus’ Pattern armour. 

It’s always good to see a beaky marine, and now you know why they have ones with the beakie-style helmet. Overall this model was the first of some of the best Games Workshop miniatures produced for Warhammer 40k.

Number 1: ‘Slambo’

GW 40 Years of Best Miniatures

Warhammer has always leaned into the grim and the dark, and Chaos Warriors are the indisputable experts. Though this fellow isn’t quite Warhammer’s first ever miniature, the Chaos Warrior known as Slambo is perhaps the most fondly remembered armoured killer of the age. 

Clad in Chaos armour and a horned helmet, and brandishing two hefty axes, he is a vision of power. This archetypal image survives to this day, exemplified by the Slaves to Darkness in Warhammer Age of Sigmar – even those twin axes survived! 

This model is so iconic and still looks cool today! If this doesn’t bring back the nostalgia, we just don’t know what will.

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The styling of the original Chaos Warriors went on to inspire the heavy armour that would become the hallmark of Warhammer games in the future, including Warhammer 40,000’s Space Marines and Age of Sigmar’s Stormcast Eternals.

You can see the inspiration this gave to the styling of future models for both Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar! Just cool to see it compared to the newer minis.

What do you think are the best Games Workshop Warhammer miniatures of the last 40 years? 

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