Hunter & Hunted: Most ‘Paw-some’ Warcry Box Set Yet!

new-age-of-sigmar-warcry-hunter-and-hunted-boxHunter and Hunted is the new Warcry box set on the way, containing terrain and minis that was revealed at the NOVA Open GW preview!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Warcry boxset on the way, along with our commentary on it as well!

NOVA Open 2023 Reveals!

Nova Open 2

This massive preview will cover Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, and The Old World, making it a must-see for everyone.

A 9 p.m. preview on a Wednesday night here in the States, what a great time for some Warhammer!

Hunter & Hunted: Most ‘Paw-some’ Warcry Box Set Yet: NOVA Open 2023 Preview

Hunter and Hunted

Warcry: Hunter and Hunted pits the rugged rangers of the Wildercorps Hunters in a fight for survival against a frenzied Mawpack of Gorgers – pallid ogor brutes afflicted with a curse of eternal hunger. 

This set also comes with Warband Tome: Hunter and Hunted, which is stuffed to bursting with background information and illustrations for the Gnarlwood, Gorgers, and the Wildercorps, as well as full rules, quests, and background tables for both warbands (and the Mawpit), a shared campaign arc, and a new battleplan generator.

A new box set wouldn’t be much without new rules and ways to play the small skirmish game mode set in Age of Sigmar

Gorger Mawpack

The feral fiends that make up a Gorger Mawpack are pariahs even amongst the hungriest heavyweights of ogor society. Cursed to never find relief from their eternal hunger, damned to taste no satisfaction in the feast, Gorgers are malformed, malicious, and malnourished beasts – quite literally gutless, at least by mawtribe standards. 

With such grotesque-looking models, these might even be giving some Flesh Eater Courts a run for their money. Either way, its fun to see the Gorgers get new models after 20 years!

Wildercorps Hunters

Hunting such foul creatures takes a hardened veteran of the wilderness, which means the Wildercorps Hunters are perfect for the job. These expert scouts are no stranger to long weeks spent in the wilds of Ghur and beyond, and chafe at the pomp and formality of the Free Cities. They use their experience as trackers to survive perilous skirmishes, and rely on their loyal Trailhounds to keep watch in the hostile environs of the Mortal Realms – the Gnarlwood included.

On the human side, we have much more noble and honest hunters trying to hunt down the beasts in the box!


Hunter and Hunted also comes with a brand new piece of terrain – a troublingly toothsome Mawpit, complete with a bone pulpit built over its fanged rim by worshipful ogors. These peristaltic potholes must constantly eat or else return to stone and dirt, and so consume anything that ventures near them, screeching and howling the moment they finish their meal.

A new terrain piece and a fun new mechanic to add a twist to Warcry! Plus you can use it as a mawpot as well for the Ogres in Age of Sigmar!

Gorger Mawpack

Packs of Gorgers prowl on the outskirts of mawtribe camps, squeeze through the open caves where ogors discard their leftovers, and lope after their prey with appalling feral intent, led by mighty Clawbacks. They’ve been drawn to the Gnarlwood in unprecedented numbers by the eruption of the Mawpits, which they believe are a manifestation of the Gulping God.

Wildercorps Hunters

The mortal citizens of Ghur’s settlements make excellent sacrifices for these holy hollow places, and when Gorgers begin snatching people from their beds, it’s up to the local Wildercorps to track them down.

Gorger Mawpack


Wildercorps Hunters


All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the new Warcry Hunter & Hunted  Box Set Yet that is on the way?

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