In this new 40k SN Battle Report, the Imperial Fists try to turn back the surging chaos horde of Word Bearers, but can they do it?
Another battle for 40k supremacy is happening on the SN Battle Reports YouTube Channel. This time we get another classic battle of loyalists against the traitors, but who will take the field and further their agenda?
Their studio is quite the cool place for a game, so we’re excited to see who comes out on top. Let’s first look at the lists, then dive into the battle!
Imperial Fists Battle Report List:
++ Battalion Detachment – 0CP; 2,000pts ++
+ Agents of the Imperium +
Inquisitor [ -1CP]:
Inferno pistol Power sword Refractor Field. Ordo: Ordo Xenos.
Psyker: Xenos – Psychic Veil; Smite (cast 1; deny 1)
Stratagem: Arbiter of the Emperor’s Will (-1CP)
WARLORD TRAIT: Esoteric Lore – Xenos
RELIC: Blade of the Ordo
+ HQ +
Primaris Chapter Master [-2CP]: WARLORD
Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, Master-crafted power sword, Bolt Pistol, Iron Halo,
Chapter Command: Chapter Master
Stratagem: Warlord Trait (-1CP) Stratagem: Relic (-1CP)
RELIC: The Eye of Hypnoth
Primaris Librarian [95pts]:
Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Psychic Hood, Frag & Krak Grenades.
Psyker: Librarius – Veil of Time; Null Zone (Aura); Smite (cast 2; deny 1).
Primaris Techmarine:
Forge Bolter, Grav Pistol, Omnissian Power Axe, Servo-arm, Mechadendrite, Frag & Krak Grenades.
Chapter Command: Master of the Forge (20pts)
+ Troops +
Infiltrator Squad: Omni-Scramblers
5x Marksman Bolt Carbines, 5x Bolt pistols
. 4x Infiltrators
. Infiltrator Sergeant
Intercessor Squad: Auto Bolt Rifle
5x Auto Bolt Rifles, 5x Bolt pistols
. 4x Intercessors
. Intercessor Sergeant; Power fist (10pts)
Intercessor Squad: Auto Bolt Rifle
5x Auto Bolt Rifles, 5x Bolt pistols
. 4x Intercessors
. Intercessor Sergeant; Power fist (10pts)
+ Elites +
Bladeguard Veteran Squad:
5x Master-crafted Power Swords, 5x Heavy Bolt Pistols, 5x Storm Shields
. 4x Bladeguard Veterans
. Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant
Leviathan Dreadnought [-1CP]:
Grav-flux Bombard, Leviathan Siege Drill with built in Meltagun, 2x Twin Volkite Calivers.
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [ -1CP]:
2x Heavy Plasma Cannons, Cyclone missile launcher (25pts)
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [ -1CP]:
2x Heavy Plasma Cannons, Cyclone missile launcher (25pts)
+ Fast Attack +
Invader ATV Squad:
. Invader ATV; Multi-melta
. Invader ATV; Multi-melta
Land Speeder Tempest:
Assault Cannon, Tempest salvo launcher
Land Speeder Tempest:
Assault Cannon, Tempest salvo launcher
+ Heavy Support +
Eradicator Squad Melta rifle
2x Melta rifles, 1x Multi-melta, 3x Bolt Pistols
. Eradicator
. Eradicator; Multi-melta
. Eradicator Sgt
++ Total: 0CP, 2,000pts ++
Word Bearers Battle Report List:
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos – Chaos Space Marines) ++
Legion: Word Bearers
+ HQ +
Dark Apostle: 1. Flames of Spite, Chaos Undivided, Omen of Potency, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Ul’o’cca, the Black, Warlord
. 2x Dark Disciple: 2x Close combat weapon
Sorcerer: Chaos Undivided, Death Hex, Diabolic Strength
+ Troops +
Cultists Mob
. 14x Chaos Cultist w/ cultist firearm
. . Autopistol and brutal assault weapon
Cultists Mob
. 14x Chaos Cultist w/ cultist firearm
. . Autopistol and brutal assault weapon
Legionaries: Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided
. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Tainted chainaxe
. 9x Marine w/ astartes chainsword
Legionaries: Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided
. Aspiring Champion
. 3x Marine w/ boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Havoc autocannon
Legionaries: Chaos Undivided
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 3x Marine w/ boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Havoc autocannon
+ Elites +
Chaos Leviathan Dreadnought:2x Leviathan siege claw and meltagun
. Two heavy flamers
Chaos Terminator Squad: Chaos Undivided
. Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter
. Chaos Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
2 x Chaos Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist
. Terminator Champion: Accursed weapon, Black Rune of Damnation, Combi-plasma, Trophies of the Long War
+ Heavy Support +
Chaos Sicaran Punisher: Heavy bolter
. 2 lascannons: 2x Lascannon
Chaos Sicaran Punisher: Heavy bolter
. 2 lascannons: 2x Lascannon
Havocs: Chaos Undivided
. Havoc Champion: Boltgun, Power maul
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon 4x Reaper chaincannon
+ Flyer +
Hell Blade
. 2x twin autocannons
Hell Blade
. 2x twin autocannons
++ Total: [105 PL, 2,000pts] ++
Imperial Fists vs Word Bearers: 40k SN Battle Report
After seeing the lists, who do you think will win? Well, no need to wonder; just watch the video and find out! The game is action-packed and full of great details for anyone looking to play the armies involved!
If you want to see more awesome battle reports, be sure to check out the SN Youtube for more!
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