These Popular GW Contrast Paints Back in Stock Again!

contrast largeYou might be surprised at how much some of these contrast paints sold for online once the GW site marked them as out of stock. Check out the latest.

Contrast paints cover a whole range of colors. Of all those colors, a handful has proven to be incredibly popular for pulling off certain effects on models. Because of that, they sold out on GW’s webstore and we saw the price skyrocket on the secondary market. However, the good news is that they’re back in stock. Check out what we’ve been seeing as the prices on these paints soared while they were out of stock as well as some of their best uses!

Popular Contrast Paints Skyrocketed in Price

Once the GW webstore marked certain Contrast Paints as Out of Stock, we saw prices skyrocket on sites like eBay. Now, of course, that does not mean they all sold for that, but yikes! Let’s take a look at the top Contrast Paints out there and their uses.

The Most Popular Contrast Paints Around: What Are They Good For?

citadel contrast paint games workshopLooking at the paints that sold out almost immediately in the first batch, these colors all have some dope aspects to them that make painting difficult colors and effects easy.

Warp Lightning Green

warp lightning


warp lightning 2Warp Lightning Green will always be a popular option as it’s got a rich bright (glow) to it. If you like your energy weapons/crystals looking green, this is perfect for the job. We used it on top of Wraithbone and it looked great for Sylvaneth flesh.

Unofficial Citadel Contrast Paints Review

Apothecary White

apothecary white 2

apothecary whiteThis a solid white to go with if you’re going to be doing things by hand. Citadel’s white base paints have known to dry out and get chunky in a short amount of time. Plus you have to apply about 5 coats of white over a model to give it a smooth finish. This white contrast paint cuts time in half by only needing one coat. Plus it gives you an awesome starting point on your whites if you want to do something further from there.

This white/grey would make a great glaze for things like the White Scars and Tau!

Talassar Blue

talassar blue


talassar blueTalassar Blue is the blue option for Warplightning. It’s perfect for getting a nice, quick undercoat for things like power swords, gems, spirit stones, and even painting a majority of the flesh of the Deepkins creatures if you’d like!

We used it on our Sylvaneth’s sword over Wraithbone, and the effects were quite striking for just one coat!

Unofficial Citadel Contrast Paints Review

The contrast Model left the traditional painted model right.

Black Templar

black templar 1


black templar 2Black Templar is awesome because you don’t have to worry so much about edge highlighting your models after you throw this paint on. The paint is thin enough to bring out the details from the bright undercoat leaving you with some awesome depth. Plus, you can thin this paint down a bit more than usual and put it over metallics for a slightly different effect from Nuln Oil washes.

Blood Angel Red

blood angelWhile we don’t have a pic of the Blood Angel red on the color chart, reds are always useful to have. If you’re playing any form of Blood Angel or maybe even Khorne, this is a great option that will speed up the painting process.

Snakebite Leather

snakebite leather 2


snakebite leather 1Snakebite Leather is great for getting a bunch of leather projects done. In just about every 40k or AoS model, you can probably find a strap of leather somewhere.

Contrast Medium

contrast mediumContrast Medium is what you’d want to use if you’re getting a little bit more in-depth with your painting projects. If you want to start thinning your paints down even more as well as combining colors, the Medium is a staple.

Hobby Watch: The Most Popular Contrast Paints Back in Stock

contrast paint citadel color colourGW updated their webstore recently putting the Contrast Paints that were once highly sought after back on the market (and for a reasonable price). At the time of writing this, you can grab the most popular paints like Warp Lightning, Blood Angels Red, Apothecary White, Talassar Blue, Black Templar, Snakebite Leather, and Contrast Medium. 

You can see the model we painted left with contrast thinned down 50/50, and “one thick coat” right.

contrast thinnedContrasts might have been invented for beginners’ level speed-painting in mind, but these Contrast paints have proven themselves to be widely used in a multitude of different painting techniques!

What are your favorite Contrast paint colors out there to use and why?

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