Sons of Horus

Sons of Horus Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Step into the ranks of the Sons of Horus, where the latest rules, model updates, point changes, and rumors about these infamous traitors are waiting.

Uncover their ruthless tactics, the brutal legacy of Horus Lupercal, and their infamous role in the Horus Heresy with the links below:

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From the disciplined brutality of Justaerin Terminators to the unstoppable fury of their Chaos-driven forces, follow the Sons of Horus as they carve a bloody path through the galaxy.

Stay informed with the newest updates on their battles, strategies, and their enduring thirst for power and vengeance.

General. Liberator. Conqueror. First Son of the Imperium. Horus Lupercal. This pict capture (recovered from a routine data sweep of Imperial records, Terra) shows the Heretical Primarch Horus leading his forces at Ullanor. The Ullanor Crusade marked the largest war undertaking in Imperial History toppling the Xenos Ork empire; safeguarding the future of Humanity amongst […]

Read More | January 23rd, 2014

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at a very sinisterarrly posed Sons of Horus Contemprtor!  Enjoy […]

Read More | November 8th, 2013