GW Teases Everything Necrons For 8th Edition 40k

The Necron Faction Focus is finally here, but is it too late with all datasheets out there already? Let’s see what GW has for us today!

Fans of the these dreaded metallic undead rejoice!

Frankie from Frontline Gaming was more than happy to give a breakdown about how the Necrons will play in the upcoming update. Let’s take a look at a couple key points from his article on Warhammer Community.

Reanimation Protocols. This rule changes from a save to a roll to bring the model back to life each turn. When a Necron model with this rule dies, you keep track of how many in the unit have gone down. You will then be able to place models back into their units every turn on the roll of a 5+ per model lost. I want to say this again for emphasis: you roll for each downed model with this rule at the beginning of every turn unless the unit has been wiped out.

40kFFNecronsForce (1)

Keep rolling until the model reanimates or the rest of the unit is destroyed…….. Necrons will be very hard to keep down.

Illuminor Szeras, who is a bulked up Cryptek, can help boost this ability. He can also improve a unit of Warriors or Immortals every turn by giving them either +1 Ballistic Skill, +1 Strength, or +1 Toughness, which lasts for the rest of the game (although a unit may only receive this bonus once per game).


Buffs Reanimatoin Protocols and adds +1 to skills every turn??? Illuminor is going to be a solid choice.

Heavy Destroyers … These ignore the penalty for moving and shooting heavy weapons, which makes their Strength 9, AP -4, D6 Damage weapon especially lethal due to its mobility. They get to re-roll 1’s to hit.


Ignore penalties and they get to re-roll 1’s to hit? Just imagine paring these with Anrakyr for his +1 to hit.

We have the iconic Necron Warrior. These are now one of the strongest Troop units in the game with their Strength 4, AP -1 Rapid Fire guns. When let to battle by the various Necron Characters, these guys will last longer and bring even the strongest warriors to their knees.

Gauss weapons stats

Imagine having multiple 20 model units of Necron Warriors with their weapon stats. Vicious army to have to face.

We also have a Monolith datasheet as well.

Monolith Datasheet

We will let you just read the datasheet for yourselves…..

This was an exciting preview for for the Necrons. It gives us a small picture of where Games Workshop wants to go with them in 8th Edition. For a more complete picture, check out our Necron Leaked Datasheet article!

What are your thoughts? Are you a Necrons fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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