CGI Trailer For 30k Horus Heresy Film Announced


It’s the moment we have been waiting for… A new unofficial fan made Warhammer 30k film set in the Horus Heresy is coming!

It has been a long time since we have had a film set in the Warhammer universe. Having flashbacks of the Official Ultramarines movie yet? Yeah, us too and we regret mentioning it. This new project, “Death of Hope”, is being made by Project Tetrach and is set during the dark days of the Horus Heresy. It is being made with zero budget and is promised to be “100% Grimdark”. There was an announcement that a fan film was in the works some time ago. We are hearing about this now as the project team has decided to start posting updates and stills from the film. They will be continually updating their Facebook page and forum thread with news and other announcements corning Death of Hope.

If you are hoping for a trailer, then it is going to be a bit of wait as Project Tetrach has stated that one will be ready around winter. What we do have are a few stills to get the hype train rolling.

Death of Hope intro

As you can see, Decimus, the main character of this short film, will be a member of the Ultramarines. Now there is some debate as to who he is fighting and during what battle this occurs. What no one is debating is how beautiful it looks and their impatience for it to be released.

Death of Hope battle

World Eaters anyone? This still shows Decimus fighting, what looks to be, a World Eater in the ruins of an Imperial city. Drop pods, dead Astartes all around, an Astartes wielding a giant Chain Axe…. This is going to be good! A lot of people have been saying the army looks to be Death Guard, but if you look at old school 30k World Eaters they had white armor as well. 30k World Eaters


Death of Hope aftermath

What is also a mystery as it could be from a major battle such as Arrigata, Calth, or the Battle of Armatura from the Betrayer novel. We will not have an idea until the trailer is released. Wherever this is, one thing is clear, it will be bloody and 100% Grimdark. This still below gives a close up of the armor. Note the 8-pointed Star carved into the ceramite chest plate.

Death of Hope armorNote the XII on the chainaxe. From the looks of this marine’s load out (spikes, chains axe, as well as the legion numeral) he appears to be from the World Eaters legion in this image.

This all that has been posted on Project Tetrach’s Facebook and Twitter feeds. They also will be posting updates on this forum page. We are excited for this fan film and cannot wait to see the trailer that is coming this Winter.

What do you think about the new fan film? Are you getting excited to see more?

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