How to Play AOS: First 1,000 Points Deathlords

By Travis Perkins | August 1st, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Tactics

Trying to be competitive with your Deathlords army, but aren’t sure where to start? Our guest writer is here to help you maximize your list!

Today we have an incredibly low model count first 1,000 points article, which uses 5 Deathlord models! The viability of this list is up for debate, though. While these units are all really good, they lack the heroes and unit size to score lots of points in most scenarios. However, if they are engaged in a straight up fight they can hold their own. I should also note that this is a good way to start a Deathlords army, since as you grow it you can add the other really good leader models and start summoning undead from other alliances. Best of all, the undead still count at a Dealthlords army since you are pulling from summoning pool!

So here is the mighty 5 model force: Mannfred Mortarch of Night ($50 on ebay), 2 Units of 2 either Morghast Archai or Harbingers ($50 for 2 on ebay).

  • Mannfred, Mortarch of Night: 480 points – Leader 1 of 4, Behemoth 1 of 2
  • Morghast Archai: 240 points – Battleline 1 of 2 required
  • Morghast Harbingers: 240 points – Battleline 1 of 2 required

Mannfred, Mortarch of Night: Move damage table (fly, 16 down to 4), 4+ Save, 10 Bravery, and 11 Wounds. He has four different melee attacks: First is Gheistvor with range 1, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for D3 damage. Then his Sickle-Glaive, with range 2, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 2 damage. Next is the mounts claws with 1 range, damage table attacks (6 down to 2), hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 2 damage. Finally, the spirits attack with range 1, 6 attacks, hitting on a 5+, wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage.

With Gheistvor, Mannfred can successfully cast a spell in the hero phase to get +1 to hit and wound rolls, also if it wounds a model then Mannfred adds 1 to his next casting or unbinding roll. If the hit roll for the spirits attacks is a 6 or more those deal a mortal wound immediately instead of normal damage.

For defense, Mannfred heals 2 wounds at the end of ANY combat phase that he killed a model, and his armor ignores the first wound or mortal wound EACH turn. Then he can cast and unbind 2 spells a turn, with his unique spell being Wind of Death. That casts on a 7 and targets a model dealing D3 wounds to the models unit and 1 wound to each enemy unit within 6 inches. Finally, his command ability is damage table (starts at 15 inches down to 3) that lets all death models re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1, including himself.

age of sigmar novels collectionMorghast Archai: Move 9 (fly), Save 4+, 10 bravery, 6 wounds. Armed with Spirit Halberds with range 2, 3 attacks each, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 3 damage each. They add 1 to summoning rolls for death units and get a 5+ save against mortal wounds.

Morghast Harbingers: Move 9 (fly), Save 4+, 10 bravery, 6 wounds. Armed with spirit swords with range 1, 5 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 2 damage each. They add 1 to summoning rolls for death units and when charging they can charge up to 18 away and get 3 dice to roll.nagashLoadout: I would magnetize the Morghasts so you could build either the Archai or Harbingers based on who you are playing. If it is a high model count or shooting army I would go with the Harbingers, or a low model count high armor army the Archai. Or in the event of the army having both build one unit of each.

Soccer formation tactics on a blackboardTactics: With the Harbingers, I would try and get them into combat turn 1 and hit any archers or mages the opponent has. Put mystic shield on them for a 3+ save and hope they can hold out. With the Archai those are monster / heavy troop hunters with the -2 rend. They can rip through heroes or slower troops armor a lot easier. Finally Mannfred, should be casting Wind of Death every turn and then Mystic Shield. Keep him close to the Morghasts so that his command ability allows them to re roll 1’s basically stacking the dice in your favor for most of their attacks to hit and wound.

Mannfred is really good and beefy so with his 16 inch move you could go for turn 1 charge as well. Where you run the risk is getting points from objectives, with 1 hero model and 2 units of 2 you are vastly outnumbered. So you need to stop your opponent from scoring and win either with kill points, or by tabling your opponent.

So there you go! $150 get you this very low model count Deathlords army. While it might not do well, it is a good base to build some summoning units around. Keep in mind that it might also be worth seeing what the Deathlords special rule is in the Generals Handbook 2.


More of Your First 1,000 points

About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu