Azrael, Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master: LORE

By Juan Lopez | December 16th, 2017 | Categories: Dark Angels, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News


Azrael is the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels Chapter and is one of the most secretive of the members of the already very secretive chapter.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

He was recruited from the savages of the feral world Kimmeria but shows none of their uncultivated behaviors. He is best known for, other than his leadership of the Dark Angels, caring for the Chapter Banner, the scouring of Truan IX, and crushing a techno-revivalist cult during the Faze V Uprising. For decades he then disappeared but must have provided suitable services to the chapter for he later became a member of the Deathwing, Captain of the 3rd Company and then Master of the Deathwing in 917.M41. From there, he famously led the assault that slew the Daemonically possessed Governor of Sephlagm before subjecting the world to Exterminatus. He gained further fame during the Vendetta Campaign.

A charismatic and dynamic leader, he was an inspiration to those who fought along side him. When the previous grand master, Naberius, died in 939.M41 in the Rhamiel Betrayal, Azrael fought alongside Ezekiel to cover his body and together defeated his killer, the Night Lords Daemon Prince Gendor Skraivok. After the battle Azrael was quickly promoted and given the title Keeper of the Truth and now sits at the head of the Inner Circle. He not only leads the Dark Angels in battle but also orchestrates the hunt for the Fallen and guards the chapter’s most precious and terrible secrets, many of which are known only to him and the previous chapter masters before him.

cypher dark angels

Towards the end of the 41st Millennium, Cypher turned himself in to Azrael and not only informed him that The Rock held the time-altering Tuchulcha engine, but that both Astelan and Typhus were seeking similar devices. After the intervention of the Watchers in the Dark Azrael agrees to work with Cypher and they eventually gather all 3 engines, creating a warp rift over Caliban.

However as Fallen attempt to enter the portal and potentially change history and pleading from Ezekiel to let history be, Azrael reluctantly orders Tuchulcha to scatter everyone from the rift. However Azrael was not specific at which moment in time he meant, and the Fallen on Caliban ten thousand years previous were scattered as well. This leads to the dark reality that Azrael himself may have been indirectly responsible for the scattering of the Fallen by causal loop.


Watchers in the Dark are a diminutive robed race of creatures which inhabit the Rock, the mobile fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter. They watch over the comatose body of the Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Jonson within a secret chamber at the core of the Rock. They are semi-unique as they possess a near exclusive ability to resist the warp entities, a trait which is shared with the rare and mysterious Pariahs who completely nullify the warp around them. These silent creatures have been known to carry Dark Angels weapons to battle, and seem to be immune to all acts of violence. Dark angels accompanied by them are destined to greatness, but they will never give direct aid in battle.

Upon becoming Keeper of the Truth, he obtained the traditional wargear of his predecessors; the master crafted Sword of Secrets, an ornate suit of Power Armour known as The Protector, The Lion’s Wrath combi-plasma gun, and the ornate Lion Helm. The Helm is carried by a being of unknown origin (possibly a Watcher in the Dark), but it shows extreme devotion to its master. During the Siege of Vraks the personal vehicle of Azrael was the Land Raider Prometheus named Angelis Imperator.

Supreme Master Azrael

Read More About Azrael, Supreme Chapter Master of the Dark Angels

About the Author: Juan Lopez