Astartes Storm Desert Pattern Primaris Warhammer 40k Army

Astartes Storm Desert Pattern Primaris Warhammer 40k Army

Operation Astartes Storm is a very cool alternatively painted Space Marines Army from White Metal Games featuring a desert theme!

White Metal Games is bringing you another painted army showcase featuring an Astartes army ready for desert warfare. Commissioned for a Veteran client, this army focuses on recreating the Desert paint scheme of the U. S. Army.


Representing it well for our nation’s army, the Astartes honor the desert theme to its full glory. Astartes

The Veteran client had originally designed the paint scheme for this Astartes option but had asked White Metal Games to take over. White Metal Games smoothed over the paint scheme and added their own personal touch. This is a great example of the versatility of the painters at White Metal, showing how they can take over uncompleted projects for clients.


The basing on this army is on point. Rarely is your eye drawn to the basing of miniatures, and this army seems to capture the desert feel perfectly. Object Source Lighting abounds on the plasma weaponry of the desert army, and the Repulsor lenses also feature a purple OSL effect that looks stunning.


The brass trim on the armor and weapons leaves a nice paint contrast. Overall the dusty desert theme is simple, but the purples and brass colors accentuate the paint theme. Magnets also abound in this army, especially in the Repulsor tank turrets.


Don’t take our word for it, hear from the studio head himself, and take a close look in our latest showcase below!  If you’re in the market for a commission be sure to visit White Metal Games as well!

Commissioned models provided in exchange for this showcase promotion.