2 New Knight Armigers & 40k Rules From Forge World

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Don’t miss Forge World’s new Armiger Knight rules for both Imperial and Chaos forces, as GW is making Knights great once again!

Forge World’s Armigers are coming in hot from their previews from events a while back. The good news is that they are now up for pre-order today and will ship on August 2nd, 2019.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Lightning Locks $58


Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Lightning Locks

The Knight Moirax is armed with two lightning locks and a carapace-mounted heavy stubber, the latter of which can be replaced with a meltagun. Two distinctive faceplates are supplied in the kit (a knightly helm and a Mechanicum skull), and both weapons and legs can be attached to either side of the model, allowing for some customisation of pose.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Lightning Locks

This multipart plastic and resin kit makes one Mechanicum Knight Moirax armed with lightning locks and comes supplied with a 100mm Citadel Round bases.

Rules for using this model in your games of The Horus Heresy can be found in the Downloads tab. Please note that transfers are not included.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Volkite Veuglaire and Gyges Siege Claw  $58

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Volkite Veuglaire and Gyges Siege Claw

The Knight Moirax is armed with a volkite veuglaire and Gyges siege claw and a carapace-mounted heavy stubber, the latter of which can be replaced with a meltagun. Two distinctive faceplates are supplied in the kit (a knightly helm and a Mechanicum skull), and both weapons and legs can be attached to either side of the model, allowing for some customisation of pose.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Volkite Veuglaire and Gyges Siege ClawThis multipart plastic and resin kit makes one Mechanicum Knight Moirax armed with volkite veuglaire and Gyges siege claw and comes supplied with a 100mm Citadel Round bases.

Rules for using this model in your games of The Horus Heresy can be found in the Downloads tab. Please note that transfers are not included.

Rules For Both Knights in 40k:

Knight Moirax armiger


Both knights have rules for Warhammer 40k in the latest round of both loyalist and Chaos FAQs that released on July 25th 2019.

Knight Moirax armiger rules pdf

Clocking in at base 145, with dual locks topping out at 155, and Veuglaire/claw combo at 150.  Both weapons have solid output at either 5 or 6 shots. However, the locks may be the go-to choice as they can score more hits at -2 AP. Sub out the rad cleanser (which slaps close in) for another lock and you have a 12 shot mini-beast at 36″ with no penalties torieo moving and shooting! PEW, PEW!!

They are also available for Chaos as well, at the same points costs.

So tiny yet so powerful, which do you think will be seeing play on tabletops now?

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