New AoS Warhammer Conquest: Mortal Realms Subscription

By Wesley Floyd | October 27th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Warhammer Conquest not only made its way to AoS, but was so popular that it’s expanding! Check out the latest on GW’s subscription hobby-help magazine.

You might have heard of Warhammer Conquest already. Conquest is a subscription-based magazine that includes all kinds of tips and tricks on painting and getting started on your 40k army.

With each delivery, you also get hobby goodies like a handful of models, paintbrushes, paints, etc. However, now, you’ll be able to subscribe to the same kind of thing for Age of Sigmar with the Mortal Realms nationwide from the UK!

How Does the AoS Subscription Work?

mortal realms

There are four issues that will come about a month apart with miniatures, paints, and more.  You’ll be able to use this as a way to get a basic building block of an AoS army while honing your painting skills.

mortal realm 3As far as the issues go, they look to flop back and forth from Stormcast and Nighthaunt, giving you the two main factions that were focused on at the start of AoS 2.0. Both of these armies are full of unit options to expand your armies on and have a whole line of new miniatures and rules.

Warhammer Conquest Nationwide Latest

warhammer conquest mortal realmsWhile currently only being available in the UK, Hachette, which is a known “tester” of popularity with limited runs of certain things sent a letter to a Warhammer Conquest: Mortal Realms subscriber. Spotted on Sprues and Brews, it looks like Mortal Realms was a success and is expanding nationally soon!

Mortal Realms was a big enough success to make for GW to expand its subscription borders. And with a larger group getting their hands on these subscription magazines, we may see even more exponential growth in Age of Sigmar!

Overall, you may or may not be getting the models you’re interested in with starting Age of Sigmar from the Mortal Realms. But you’re getting started off on the right foot with models to practice on for a lower price AND you can test the in-game mechanics to see if AoS is right for you.

Plus, with the word of the subscription’s borders expanding, what are your thoughts on Conquest: Mortal Realms? Would you like to see even more issues released in the future? What’s another faction you’d like to see come in the subscription?

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