Drive Belt & Crank: New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here and it’s time to put on our debunking glasses. Check out the latest mechanical work from GW to be revealed!

Warhammer Community posted another rumor engine right on time. Even with the year coming to a close, these mystery bits are still coming in strong. Take a look at all the minor details of the new bit and let us know what you think we’re looking at.

Drive Belt & Crank: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor engine 12-10-2019Right away, we can tell this bit probably isn’t going to be for AoS unless it’s some kind of crude mechanical invention made up by some Dwarves. Other than that, all signs seem to point toward 40k. But if you notice, it’s definitely not up-to-date with all the Primaris technology and there’s a serious lack of Imperial iconography on the piece. You can also see that there are a bundle of pipes and wires that are bandaged up with what looks to be string on the left-hand side of the bit.

With all of this in mind, there are two major factions that pop up. Orks and Ad-Mech. Orks could use an update on the Deff Dreads and Killa Kans…Or maybe just another unit entirely. And while this bit is missing the metal patchwork that we normally see with their vehicles, maybe they got a little more sophisticated!

archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40k

As for the Ad-Mech, sure, it’s missing a few Imperial iconography bits as well (at least on the rumor engine bit). But with the newly previewed Archaeopter Stratoraptor, it seems like the Ad-Mech is turning toward early mechanical inventions. Grav technology exists, but the Ad-Mech decided to take their mechanical prowess to gliding technology. Who’s to say they wouldn’t also experiment with a hand-crank steam engine!

All in all, what are your thoughts on the rumor engine? Did you spot a certain part of the bit that screams another faction?

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