GMM Custom Death Guard Army Showcase: The Glooming Lords

gmm nurgle death guard glooming lords
GMM is back again with another 40k army showcase. Keeping the focus on Death Guard, check out these units that made the list for this beautiful army.

From time to time, you’ll see a 40k army grace a tabletop that just makes your jaw drop. Well, GMM Studios has been consistently pumping out those armies for years. Check out this break down of another completed Death Guard masterpiece.

While this is just an overview of the army, there are a ton of other pictures over on GMM Studios’ main site!

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GMM Custom Death Guard Army Showcase: The Glooming Lords

gmm glooming lords 1Hello out there! Another army for you. Same army as last time, different scheme, different vibe.  Where the last army was reds and ochres, with strong Autumn undertones, this one is all winter! 

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The request was Glooming Lords with some personal touches – muted green trims, bright green lenses and smoke, purple cloth, and no gold.  Also, snow bases with some spreading sickness and ooze as they walk and taint the ground around them.  Otherwise free reign. 
Hitting the field with a handful of Drones, Terminators, and some other heavy machinery, the Glooming Lords are yet another Death Guard project all finished up by GMM!
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With that I ran with just a tint of rust for Nurgle, and pushed the purples in the flesh for a somewhat cold palette.  Like the last army I enjoy these sorts of projects where it isn’t an “ice Death Guard” army exactly, but flexing color theory part of the brain to add a subtle flavor layer to the whole thing where possible.
Taking a closer look at the Leviathan, it looks like he’s oozing “Nurgle’s Blessing” from his feet and onto the snow while what used to be what’s left of his body now writhing through the cracks as tentacles and intestines.
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With that in mind, I took an old display I hadn’t used in a while and gave it a winter makeover.  Used to be tan and you might remember it from some Ironjaw Orruks. The fun thing about these is nothing needs to be permanent, so it was fun playing in loose snow just for photo effect, piling it on the dozers and such.
Some dope conversions also made their way into the army with this bug-ified Daemon Prince and an axe-wielding Typhus
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Quite a lot of fun overall in terms of process, and Death Guard are some great sculpts, so always a pleasure to paint.  Next up, a completely different scale!  See you then.
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What’s your favorite unit out of this army list? Have you converted any of your Death Guard characters like these? What’s your color scheme? 

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