A Titan Like No Other! GMM Incredibly Painted 24″ Warlord

gmm sistine sister flashback 7This is a Titan like no other, as there are few words to describe the incredible level that GMM painted this full-scale Warlord to.

When it comes to hobbying GMM Studios doesn’t mess around. They go big or go home and continuously push the boundaries on how good they can make miniatures look.

A Titan Like No Other! GMM Incredibly Painted 24″ Warlord

Here’s a breakdown of the project from GMM:

gmm sistine sisters flashbackNot only is the paint job jaw-dropping. But look at the units sacrificed for basing!

This project started as a rough idea of something for the glory of the Imperium, a set of parade Titans in gratuitous celebration of deeds and characters of all sorts from across the universe.

The customer’s base request was a walking Sistine Chapel, kicked up a bit over the top to blend in with the 40k universe.

To begin he sent me a massive folder of all of his favorite images he had collected from the 40k background.  I then went over all of them and began to compose them across the panels of the Titans.  It was important to him I kept to the general original look of the art, so instead of tweaking them, the existing colors and composition of each artwork were arranged to match the placement of the panels themselves with an overall eye to color from panel to panel.

gmm sistine sister flashback 2

The marble was a natural choice to fit the aesthetic of a chapel and much better than any single solid color for any panels too complicated for freehand to look right from all but one angle. Once this was figured out, it was a matter of finding a style to balance the freehand and marble to the eye overall, then it was off to the races.

gmm sistine sister flashback 3You can get a solid view of the marbling and mural artwork of Titans marching to battle here. 

Zooming In On the Detail

gmm sistine sister flashback 4Each panel translates into literal hobby blood, sweat, and tears on a new level. We’ve got a Commissar pointing just above a grimdark Waldo hiding behind the tank.

gmm sistine sister flashback 5Here, there’s an Ad Mech Techpriest and a Chaplain on the other two lower leg panels.

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gmm sistine sister flashback 9Guard on one leg and Sisters on the other, do you recognize some of these classic pieces of art brought to life on the Warlord?

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gmm sistine sister flashback 10Blood Angels were painted on the codpiece over any of the other Chapters because they know how to die for something worth protecting.

gmm sistine sister flashback 6The vibrant reds and cool blue marble transition panels really draw the eye in and pull out every last bit of detail.

gmm sistine sister flashback 7This Warlord looks like he just stepped out of the holy imperial museum of art.

GMM logoThis might have been one of GMM’s older project but it’s withstanding the test of time as being one of the most gorgeous pieces of art we’ve ever seen come out of the hobby.

Be sure to check out some of his latest creations if you haven’t already!

What’s your favorite armor panel on the Warlord? Do you have any Guard bits used as basing detail on your bigger models?