New 40k Necron Models: Warriors & Codex SPOTTED!

gw new preview necrons walNew Necron models for Warhammer 40k are on the way, as multiple warrior models and something else menacing have been spotted in the new GW previews!  

The BIG online 40k GW Preview is are here! Most likely rescheduled the canceled Warhammer Fest at the beginning of May, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today!

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Sure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!  In case you missed it, let’s go over the news leading up to the big reveal!

New 40k Necron Models: Warriors & Codex SPOTTED!

fulgrim daemon wal hor chaos rumors games workshop primarchJust days before this mystery bundle of books came to US ports, we saw rumors begin to make headway around the web once again. Coming from Sete on B&C, he had this to say:

The following are rumours so apply salt accordingly.

  • September a new edition will drop and Necrons will be the new bad guys in the block.
  • Some finecast units might get redone, I think the flayers were brought up.
  • There are rumours of a new Necron codex as well for 9th.
  • A new edition cycle will begin, so ya know what to expect, we have been trough this for a few times now.

Now there are a few key things to talk about from this rumor. For starters, it’s looking like September of this year is when we would see a new edition. Although, with the current global crisis we all face, we’re almost positive that the timeframe is considered “fluid”. We may see unexpected delays in a new edition drop assuming these rumors are true, of course. 

Current Events Make These Necron Rumors Look Solid

psychic awakening pariahAs for Necrons being the new bad guy on the block, it’s definitely looking that way in Psychic Awakening currently. So far, we know an Inquisitor led a party of Imperial soldiers to uncover some machinations that Illuminor Szeras has been up to.

We don’t know the full magnitude of what kind of schemes the Necrons have been up to. However, it would be so easy for GW to make them a lore superpower if they decided to start waking up Tomb Worlds left and right. As far as Necrons go, life has only ever seen the tip of the iceberg.

necron flayed onesFrom a tabletop standpoint, it would also make sense/be dope if Necrons got the spotlight for a few months. According to Nemesis Tyriks on B&C, Necrons have only gotten three new plastic kits since 5th edition. (Obviously, we have the Seraptek Construct which is nice), but we know Primaris gets about three new kits every year…Some support for the Necrons on the level of when GW first introduced Primaris into 8th edition would probably be welcome even for players who don’t play Necrons. This also ties in with the part of the rumor that old finecast models would be getting updated with new plastic counterparts.

New Necron Warriors Models Are on the Way

Necrons are finally getting their update! New models are always exciting, especially when it’s an older faction. (hopefully, some more of their finecast models get updated too)

necron long boiFirst there is the standard warrior here a more “damaged” look as they are just begging to reanimate after their slumber. This will most likely mean you may have some more painting freedom with the new line-up!

necron big gunAlong with the standard warrior we also got a glimpse at the Heavy Weapon option for the squad. He’s ready to lay down the hurt.

New Necron Models Spotted in 9th Edition Teaser

3 legged spooder necronDuring the teaser the Sister of Battle is being chased down by a new Necron with three legs and a gigantic blade. Could this be a new model that will be revealed with the new line?

Potentially Leaked Rumor Images Show New Necron Models & Codex

necron leak

These Photato quality images were flying rampant across the internet, with no clear source discernable. But bases on the early new Warhammer 40k logo reveal, there may just be something to these images…

new necron codex leak

Both of these are extremely hard to see or look into the detail, however, some parts of the images are accurate, so these may potentially be authentic! We will have to wait and see if any of it gets confirmed, most likely sooner than later.


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What do you think about new Necron models? Is the Silent King still coming? Are you excited for the massive update?

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