BREAKING Two New Space Marine Units Announced

invader-atv-space-marineNo one expected these new 2 new Primaris Space Marine units for Warhammer 40k- the Firestrike Servo-Turret and the Invader ATV!

The BIG online 40k GW Preview for the new 9th Edition box set is here! Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community today! At first, the stream appeared it was just for the box, but they also announced separate new models outside of the box!

warhammer 40k previewSure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

Two New Space Marine Primaris Units Announced

Hot on the heels of the new 9th Edition Box set previews, new units have been spotted that perhaps will supplement the new set that is on the way soon.  Space Marines are getting two brand new heavy-looking options in the form of a turret and a new vehicle. There were also some hints on Warhammer Community to how they might play in a game!

Firestrike Servo-Turret

Firestrike Servo-turret white

Mounting either a twin accelerator autocannon or twin las-talon, and crewed by one of the Emperor’s finest, your enemies will think twice about taking on a Firestrike Servo-turret. Hold the line while the more mobile elements of your army leap into the fray! 

With this quote, GW confirmed two weapon options for the new primaris turret!

Judging by the small size and only one being showcased, this model should be pretty easy to squeeze into a list. Also, the barrel would hopefully suggest some pretty decent range. More options in the primaris army lineup may be a good thing, even if it’s just a simple turret!

Firestrike Servo-Turret action shotThat blast shield is huge, you can’t even see the operator from the front side!

Invader ATV

Invader ATV white

Invaders can go anywhere your Outriders can go, and you can arm them with either an onslaught gatling cannon or a multi-melta to lay down some serious supporting firepower in a hurry.

Looks like these will play very similarly to the bikes, however with more firepower of course.

Invader ATVThe new vehicle is definitely going to be more expensive point-wise and will at least be much faster than the turret!

Invader ATV action shotOther than the open nature of the chassis, there are some serious Dark Knight Returns Batman Tumbler vibes coming off of this.

Looking at this the ATV will be about 2-3 bikes wide and about the same length as one.

Invader ATV with bikesSpeaking of bikes, there’s a clean look at what an army including both might look like on the field.

Are you looking forward to either the Firestrike Servo-Turret on the Invader ATV on top of the box releases?  How much do you think these models will cost?

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