Soon you’ll be able to take on the dangers of the far future with these awesome space dwarves! Beards and mohawks, yes, please.
The hobby maniacs at Hardcore Miniatures are always pumping out awesome stuff! These crazy Dwarves of the future are no different. They look amazing and will be able to fit into a bunch of different game systems. Whether you want to use them as IG stand-ins or as heroes in another game, they’ll be perfect.
These aren’t out quite yet for order but they will be soon. If you’ve been looking to add some flavor to your army, look no further than this! Let’s stop the talking and dive into the models.
Space Dwarf Sergeant
“For honor and glory!” Lead your troopers into battle with this amazing sergeant mini. If you love Hardcore Miniatures, go check what else they have going on.
They are going to have a bunch of cool weapons and head combos available as well. We personally always love a good mohawk. Just feels right.
It’s hard to decide between a powerfist and axe, but either way, this guy is equipped for some serious combat. He looks ready to spend weeks in the field or adventuring with that full pack.
Space Dwarves Squad
“Get ready for fireworks Captain.” Everything about these guys screams prepared for anything. They are veterans of countless campaigns and will not back down from a fight.
These are no ordinary warriors, no, they are only called into the heaviest fighting. Wherever the Galaxy is the most distressed, that’s where you’ll find these hardened troops.
A quick view of the other side of the models. We can’t wait for these to come out and paint some of them up!
That does it for the space dwarves for today. Stay tuned for when these come up for order!