We Ride To War: Space Marines Outrider Bikes LORE

space marine bikerSpace Marines bikes have been around since the founding of the ancient Legions, so today, let’s all learn a Lil’ something about them!

The Primaris of today seem obsessed with things that float… but the bikes helped the Emperor colonize the stars! If it weren’t for these rumbling kill machines the wars of humanity would have been far harder. Get out your best leather jacket and read up on the background for your favorite bike gangs of 40k.

Primaris chaplain on bike black

We Ride To War: Space Marine Outrider Bikes

Way back in the day the bikers were known as Legion Outrider squads. The most adept riders were pulled from the ranks of more experienced Space Marines. They had to be the most trustworthy of Marines as they were the eyes and ears of the legions. The bikes would infiltrate deep behind enemy lines and act on their own. Their main goals were to create chaos and constantly inform their battle-brothers about the enemy’s movements.

The early bikes were like something out of a Mad Max movie. They weren’t the shiny things we see today. They took the most rugged and durable machines they could find into the field. Every marine was like a mini Techmarine, or as we like to call them, mechanics. With no support, they had to rely on nothing but themselves. The early bikers were masters of guerilla warfare and a pain in the butt wherever they went.

Crusade Accolades

Simply put, they shone brightly throughout the Great Crusade. When a unit of bikes penetrated deep into the heart of enemy territory, it was almost impossible for the enemy to launch any defense or offense without the imperium having full knowledge of it. They were critical in ensuring the success of the Imperium. Like anyone who works behind the scenes, the full extent of their effectiveness was overshadowed by the rank and file. The pretty boys of the legion gladly took all the credit. But the rugged outsiders knew what they did, and so did their dead enemies.

They also helped stave off the invasion of the Horus Heresy by slowing the advance of Chaos wherever they could. They weren’t so fond of killing their recent brothers, but they did what needed to be done to save the Imperium.

primaris biker


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The Side Car Arrives

The Assualt Bikes were part of the second founding. The Emperor felt bad for the guys who loved bikes but couldn’t drive for anything. The legions gave into their tears and created sidecars for them to joy ride around in. But no one was complaining about the extra firepower when the going got tough. This was really a way for the Astartes to get to places faster than infantry and supply enough firepower to turn the tides.

How Legions Use Them

They are usually a small attachment to main armies, but not all chapters abide by the Codex Astartes when forming their bike squadrons. The Dark Angles entire 2nd company, the Ravenwing, mount their entire army on either bikes or land speeders.

The green boys of the Salamanders also do things a little bit differently. Since they have fewer but bigger Companies,  they only utilize them in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Companies.

And everyone’s favorite ridey boys, the White Scars, really take things to a whole new level. They are naturally nomadic warriors and cover giant swathes of lands every day. Even though Kor’Sarro Khan doesn’t ride a bike… almost everyone else does! They are a force to be reckoned with as they blaze across the battlefield.

white scars 2

One day GW will give me back my bike…

That does it for their backstory. We’ll have to see how they turn out now that the Primaris are starting to use them. Are they going to go the way of the Dodo or thrive in this new Millenia?

More on The Outrider Bikes!