New Adeptus Titanicus goods are fully available from Forge World, so check out what’s hot off the pre-orders section now!
Forge World’s last pre-orders have been moved to new releases and if you missed the initial wave of grabbing these kits, you can just outright order them now while supplies last. Moving into Adeptus Titanicus we have the following:
Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Ursus Claw $18
This small weapon has the power to knock Titans off their feet! Given the fact that these are for Warhounds, this weapon is easily spammable if you’re running a hunting pack of those Scout-class Titans.
This kit consists of nine resin components, with the choice of building either an ursus claw or a natrix shock lance. This arm-mounted weapon fits on a Warhound Scout Titan and gives your Warhounds new ways to tackle larger enemy Titans in battle. The rules for both weapons can be found in Appendix II of Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron.
Titanicus Warhound Natrix Shock Lance $18
A well-placed shock lance can cause a Titan to shut down in the middle of combat. Just like the Ursus Claw, you can bring quite a few of these and taser goad an enemy Titan into submission.
This kit consists of nine resin components, with the choice of building either an ursus claw or a natrix shock lance. This arm-mounted weapon fits on a Warhound Scout Titan and gives your Warhounds new ways to tackle larger enemy Titans in battle. The rules for both weapons can be found in Appendix II of Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron.
With all of this new official released, we’ll probably be seeing a bunch of Warhounds flexing these weapons in the near future. We’ve seen how effective a blob or two of Warhounds can really be so it’ll be interesting to see how much more deadly these guys become with the Shock Lance and Claw.
What’s your favorite weapon for the Warhound? Do you run a ton of Warhounds in your competitive Titanicus list?
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