New Space Marines Heavy Intercessors & 40k Kill Team

GW-Previews-KillteamThe new Space Marines Heavy Intercessors along with Necron Flayed Ones and characters are coming in the new 40k Kill Team expansion box!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Dead & The Divine Preview

the dead and the divineHot on the heels of our Christmas and New Year’s reveals we have the first Warhammer Preview Online of 2021 – The Dead and the Divine! This Saturday, we’ll be showing off new models and tantalising glimpses of the future, and it’s going to be a big one. We’ll be showing off new goodies for…

All the Latest GW Previews:

Kill Team Pariah Nexus Expansion

kill team boxThis brand new Kill Team expansion is on the way, which is great because it has been a while since Kill Team got some love, but bad because the Heavy Intercessors are now locked behind a ‘Starter Set Paywall’ at least in the near term.

You can tell the setting is in the Pariah Nexus, which we just visited in the Psychic Awakening campaigns.

You’ll be able to find out the answers when Kill Team: Pariah Nexus drops later in the year. While you wait, take a look at the full (and we mean FULL) contents of the boxed set.

The kit also includes all of the rules to use the models from the Indomitus boxed set in your games of Kill Team, including Assault Intercessors and Necron Warriors armed with gauss reapers.

As we can see looking at the contents, these are all models we knew were coming. Most of these were announced back during the launch of the 9th edition, however, we know now that they will release in this box. The addition of more rules for the Kill Team is also encouraging.

captain with master crafted boltor


heavy intercessorsThe Space Marines have sent a Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and five Heavy Intercessors to carry out this dangerous mission.

Heavy Intercessors

Heavy Intecessor datasheetAnd they’re called that for a reason – like their Captain, these bad-boys aren’t just heavily armed, they’re heavily armoured too, thanks to their Gravis armour. A Toughness 5 Troops unit with 3 Wounds apiece, anyone?

The datasheet doesn’t lie, these heavy troops pack a serious punch. Gravis is now coming as a troop choice is nice too. Now your elite Primaris force has an even more elite troop option that can bring heavy support if need be.

We’ve seen the models and rules for these, way back in September. You can check out everything there is to know about these Space Marines models from our past coverage here.

necron chronomancer


new plastic flayed onesTrying to take out the Space Marines in the nightmarish gloom is a Necron kill team made up  of a Chronomancer – a type of Cryptek that can harness temporal energies to weaponise time itself – and five twisted and ghoulish Flayed Ones.

As for the Necrons and Flayed ones, we have also seen the models and rules for these, way back in September too. You can check out that post on these Necron models here.

How do you feel about a new Kill Team? Are you a player of any of the focus factions? Are you excited?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!