Bad News for GW’s Soulblight Gravelords Release

Soulblight walBad news for the new Soulblight Gravelords Vampires release as supply will surely outpace demand with more shameful allocations…

If you want to support your local store, you better get in line early! GW has been fairly stingy with the new releases for some time now, either due to COVID complications or just a rumored business strategy that shuffles the majority of available products to their webstore so they keep all the profits.

It’s kind of hard to tell anymore. While we figured there would be allocations, we didn’t expect it to be quite so severe… 

Bad News for Soulblight Gravelords Vampires Release

AOS 3.0 logo age of sigmar

Soulblight Gravelords Battletome $40.00

soulblight gravelords battltomeThe battletome is available to pre-order from Saturday as an ebook, hardback, or one of 700 limited edition hardbacks with a luxurious soft-touch cover featuring a full spread of this incredible cover art.

Battletomes are great not just for all the rules but because they expand on the lore of Age of Sigmar as a whole.

Deathrattle Skeletons $60.00

Deathrattle SkeletonsThese skeletons are a huge upgrade from the older kit that Legions of Nagash used. Now, these look much more shambling and more dynamic.

Deadwalker Zombies $55.00

Deadwalker Zombies

Deathrattle Skeletons and Deadwalker Zombies are rising from their graves to form the backbone of your next undead army. Each set (which you saw first in March’s Warhammer Preview Online) is packed with 20 models and a huge array of options to customise them, ensuring your ensorcelled swarms are every bit as unique as the corpses that made them. 

These zombies are also a huge improvement, and because they will be such a huge percentage of your list, they will make a huge impact on the aesthetic of the army.

Fell Bats $50.00

Fell Bats

For the first cavalry-style unit, there is the Fell Bats, which are notably more monstrous and will hopefully have some awesome unique rules.

Vampire Lord $30.00

Vampire Lord

Vampire Lords are paragons of their kind, able to dispatch mortal heroes with ease, and they’re equally capable commanders when it comes to directing their troops.

 Lauka Vai, the Mother of Nightmares $60.00

Lauka Vai, the Mother of NightmaresOnce a monster-hunting knight with principles even her enemies could respect, a fateful encounter with the magics of Tzeentch saw her transformed into a raging beast ever at odds with her disciplined nature. Now regarded as the queen of the Avengorii Dynasty, Vai leads her cursed kin into battle with the skill of a warrior and the strength of a monster.

One of the most unique models and interesting backstories, Lauka Vai is one of the top commanders on the Soulblight Gravelords. You can also read her book coming out this week as well further below.

Soulblight Gravelords Warscroll Cards $30.00

soulblight warscroll cardsAs usual, a set of Warscroll cards make for a perfect way to ease into games by cutting downtime flipping pages, and increasing time playing.

Soulblight Gravelords Dice $35.00

soulblight gravelords diceYou can show off your newfound allegiance by picking up some themed dice as well.

So How Many New Releases Are Stores Getting?

Soulblight walThe quick answer is not many, and it’s a bit worse than what was anticipated. Check out the numbers according to the retailers we polled this week:

  • Soulblight Gravelords (all release items): 2 per store

If you want any of the items above, and plan on getting them from your store, get there on day one. Two of anything usually won’t last long, much less one. With all the hype built up for this faction, this is just such a tiny number.

Looks like we’ll just have to wait and see what happens with the online side of things. But if these numbers are a good indication (which they usually are) you better plan on ordering online ASAP as well. We’ll be surprised if much of this releases stays around on the GW webstore website for more than a couple of hours.

Are you going to try and pick up the new army? Are you excited about the new release?