New 40k Terrain & Fortification Rules: Octarius Supplement

octarius-terrain-rules-40kNew Terrain and Fortification 40k rules are here from the Warzone Octarius supplement that may surprise you!

With the Warzone Octarius supplement in hobbyists’ hands, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for factions focussed on in the book.  

These rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, Imgur, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Get Your War Zone Octarius Here

Since this is a little different than a standard faction codex or supplement, we’ve included the introduction below in case you are curious about how exactly the rules are applied to each faction.

Octarius rules cadians deathwatch inquisition tyranids introductionIn this post, we will focus on the Terrain changes, so let’s dive in!

New Octarius Terrain & Fortification 40k Rules:

Void Shield Generator Fortification OctariusWith the new datasheets, a few Fortifications have been updated! The Void Shield Generator has had its Projected Void Shields ability revamped. It no longer cares about the location of the opposing unit, but now the aura degrades in range as the wounds remaining decrease, putting your models closer and closer to its explosion range!

Fortress of Redemption Fortification OctariusNext up is the largest unaligned fortification the Fortress of Redemption. Its stat line has been changed with a +1 BS at all tiers and -2 Toughness. It has also replaced its previous Twin Icarus Lascannon with Redemption Lascannons, which function very similarly but put out fewer shots and have more consistent damage.

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Additionally, Fire Points has been upgraded to allow 20 models embarked to shoot instead of the previous 15 and Automated Weapons now prevent the Silo from being fired if no units are embarked. Overall, this looks to be an even trade, perhaps better, assuming you plan on keeping units embarked!

Skyshield Landing Pad Fortification Octarius

The Skyshield Landing Pad seems to have gotten quite a few rule changes, but ultimately this is just to make the rules more in line with the 9th edition core rules. The big take-aways are that Shielded only provides a 6+ invulnerable save instead of the previous 5+.

Additionally Unfurled now heals the landed aircraft a guaranteed 3 wounds, instead of d3 previously, and even better now regains the ability to use one-use weapons it already used prior to landing! It also gains +1 to hit with ranged attacks for that turn! Overall this is a massive boost in power for this Fortification going all-in on aerial focus and removing its niche invuln rule.

Bastion Fortification OctariusLooking at the Bastion now, we see it now has a bracketed stat line going from 4+ bs to 6+, whereas previously it had a static 5+. It also lost two wounds and now sits at 18 total. It gained the Roof Hatch wargear which increase the embarked shooting ability up to 15 models and now can also take a Comms Antenna which allows an embarked character to generate a command point on a 5+ in the command phase.

The abilities are brought up to speed with 9th edition rules but largely function the same. This seems to be a great update with CP generation being a huge bonus!

Aegis Defence Line Fortification OctariusThe final fortification is the Aegis Defence Line. +20 model, -5 icarus, -10 quad. It’s stat line and weapons are unchanged, however, some of the abilities have changed. Set-up now requires 3″ cohesion instead of the previous 6″. The Automated Weapons rule is slightly adjusted giving you the ability to prioritize the closest Aircraft instead of the closest unit period.

Additionally, to avoid the Automated Weapons restriction rule you now need an Infantry unit within 1″ of it to perform the new Operate Gun Emplacement (action) and it buffs its BS to a 4+. This also seems like a positive change, but still might not be that great overall.

Point values Fortification OctariusWith all the changes covered, the only thing left is to check the point changes! The Fortress of Redemption and Void Shield Generator both made it out with unchanged point values!

The Skyshield Landing Pad has gone up 20 points while the Bastion went down a whopping 30 points! Finally, the Aegis Defence Line also went up in points with a +15 point bump at base loadout and +10 from previous with the Quad-gun option instead. In general, these changes seem to be mostly positive, but only time will tell.

Overall it’s a great time to play 40k as new updates bring renewed life to the game, however with supplement after supplement (not to mention the FAQs, etc.) there is a cost in money and time.

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