All the New 40k Grand Tournament Secondary Objectives Cards

new-seconday-objectives-40k-gt-2022-mission-pack changesAll the new 2022 Chapter Approved Secondary Objectives Cards for Warhammer 40k are from Grand Tournament Mission Book!

With the changes to how points scoring will work, GW said they would give out a bunch of new faction-specific secondaries. It looks like we get a first look at how they will structure them for a few factions including some changes to factions like Chaos Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Imperial/Chaos Knights, Tyranids, and Daemons.

We’re not sure if that means they will appear in the new 2022 Chapter Approved Grand Tournament book and their codex too yet though.

First, check out the rules and mission changes coming in the 2022 Chapter Approved GT book itself before we get into the secondary objectives.

40k Chapter Approved GT 2022 Changes


Let’s check out the changes coming for the 40k Chapter Approved GT 2022 mission book, then break them down.

  • Primary objective scoring is now 4, 8, or 12 points for holding one/two/more or two/three/more objectives in a player’s Command Phase.
  • Mission secondary objectives – such as Raze or Data Intercept – are gone. Instead, missions now have new additional primary objectives that reward players for accomplishing certain actions, such as destroying three enemy units in a battle round or holding the priority target objective their opponent picks.
  • At least two of the secondary objectives have undergone major changes and there are more major changes to secondary objectives in the works (but we don’t know any more about those “major” changes).

This is the first big change is to primary objectives. This actually changes the points you can score “easily”. The reductions change the points the primaries give you from 40 to 32 (as shown by the new mission posted by Warhammer Community below). Meaning you’ll have to focus more on other ways of scoring if you want those extra points.

We’re not sure, but this could also change the total number of points unless they are made up somewhere else. They could always do something like AoS where each army scores the points in the end if they do something specific to their fluff.

All the New 40k Grand Tournament 2022 Secondary Objectives Cards


Issue 472 of White Dwarf magazine

So here are all the Warhammer 40k secondary objectives cards together with the six new faction ones from Chapter Approved 2022 Warzone Nachmund book that were spotted in White Dwarf 472 on Imgur.

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So it looks like there is no more taking all the Space Marine secondary objectives, you must take two from the ones below, with further keyword restrictions as noted above!

No Mercy, No Respite:

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  • To the Last- No changes.
  • Grind Them Down – No changes.
  • No Prisoners – This is still all about non-Vehicle and non-Character models. The main change is that you get an additional VP for doing 50-99 wounds and 2 extra VPs for doing over 100 wounds of enemy units.

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The Daemon one is interesting because if you can destroy units, or get big mobs to flee, you’ll be getting those 4 points without too much trouble. But against small units with high leadership, this will be basically impossible to score a lot.

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The CSM one lines up with what you want to do anyway, get the objectives!

Battlefield Supremacy:

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  • Stranglehold – No changes from the most recent update in 2021.
  • Behind Enemy Lines – No changes from the most recent update in 2021.
  • Engage on All Fronts – You still score the 2 VPs at the end of the turn but you must have at least 3 models, be a vehicle, or a monster to get the points.
  • Yield No Ground – (Faction Imperial Knights) as pictured above.

Purge the Enemy:

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  • Assassination – No changes from the most recent update.
  • Titanslayer – No changes from the most recent update.
  • Bring it Down – Some big changes are coming with this one as the thresholds are changing for VPs. Here’s the new breakdown for points: 1 VP for each enemy VEHICLE or MONSTER killed with 9 or fewer wounds, 2 VP for each enemy VEHICLE/MONSTER with 10-14 wounds, and 3 VP for each one with 15+ wounds. This makes a big difference because it pushes things like Rhinos and Raiders to 2 VP, and instead of taking 20+ wounds to get those 3 points, you get them for 15+. While it might not make the biggest deal for a lot of armies, others will be super impacted. 
  • For the Emperor! – Faction Specific Imperial Guard objective that is super spicy points for doing something you’re probably going to do anyways!

Shadow Operations:

  • Raise the Banners High – No changes.
  • Deploy Teleport Homers – This now completes at the end of your turn as long as they are Troops.
  • Retrieve Nachmund Data – This replaces Retrieve Octarius Data as it seems GW just can’t decide on a name that will stick for this one. This can now be attempted by one Infantry or Biker unit (Which gives more flexibility as now characters and bikers are included) per turn if they are more than 6″ from another table quarter. At the end of your turn, you roll a D6, subtracting 1 if the unit performing the action is a Troops choice. If you roll less than or equal to the number of models in the unit, the action is completed. You score 4, 8, and 12 points for completing the action 2, 3, and 4 times, respectively. This seems like a good change because characters can try the action if you don’t have the Troops left to do it, but them actually pulling it off is pretty hard but still possible.
  • Investigate Signal – The main change here is that you can still attempt this even if enemy units are within 6″ of the center. however, you only complete it at the end of your turn if there are no enemy units still within 6″ of the center of the battlefield. Meaning you have to be pretty sure you’ll blow them away before the turn is over, or you’ll waste the action.


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(Basically no changes)

  • Abhor the Witch – No changes from the most recent update in 2021.
  • Psychic Interrogation – No longer requires line of sight to the target.
  • Pierce the Veil –No changes from the most recent update in 2021.
  • Warp Ritual – No changes from the most recent update in 2021.

Updates in general for any game are just good business. That being said it also seems like in 2022 GW will have their hands full trying to monetize these updates while getting hobbyists to adopt their new DLC style pay-to-play path to market.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Models & Rules Previews 

How do you feel about these new Warhammer 40k 2022 GT Secondary Objectives? 

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