RUMORS: More New Eldar Codex Rules & Pictures Spotted!

eldar-aeldari-rumors-and-new-relaseseMore new pictures from the upcoming Eldar codex, and rules datasheets have been spotted for key units, like the Wave Serpent and Banshees.

Just like anything that is a rumor, take this with as much salt as you need. While they look pretty decent, there is always a chance someone just made these. Especially considering the quality of these pictures, who knows.

These come from the Aeldari Discord and Reddit show what appears to be Warlock rules, Wraithguard, Wraithblades, Banshees, and more. So if you’re wondering what the army might be able to do, these will give you a taste.

Let’s first check out the new Eldritch Omens box, then get into everything we have seen from the codex that has been spoiled so far.

Eldritch Omens Box

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set

If you’re a fan of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we will have a major reveal coming on Monday, pitting two allies of Order against one another in a battle of the elements.

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set contents 16 models

This battlebox contains 16 miniatures, a whopping 15 of which are all new. The 16th is a mighty, smoke-belching Forgefiend – the forces of Chaos can never have too many daemon engines. You also get a 32-page Eldritch Omens booklet that outlines the narrative of the battle for Daethe in the war-torn Nachmund sector.

Down from 25 miniatures in the Shadow Throne box set (which sold for $170), Eldritch Storm included 16 miniatures which are all new except the Maulerfiend!

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set eldar half

The Asuryani get nine all-new miniatures comprising Autarch Ghaelyn’s Saim-Hann force, including the Autarch herself.

Perhaps the more highly anticipated half of this box set are all the new Eldar Aeldari Craftworlds miniatures, but that Warpsmith for Chaos is looking hot too!

RUMORS: More New Eldar Codex Rules & Pictures Spotted!

Before we get into these new Eldar Codex rules rumors, again, some of these could be fake, but since they are rumors we can’t know for sure 100% either way. however, a lot of them are starting to match up with rumors from the holidays.

eldar leaks 2

eldar leaks 3We heard rumors for a while of a “miracle dice” type mechanic, so this is an interesting take on it. Instead of being able to keep the number rolled on the dice, you actually get them for specific phases and they seem to always count as 6’s.

New Objectives

eldar leaks 6This one is worded very strangely, so there is a chance this is fake, but we can’t know for sure. However, getting points for getting off psychic powers is never a bad thing!

eldar leaks 4This is an interesting secondary objective for the Eldar because you want to be destroying enemy units anyway! Then it goes with the theme of both melee and shooting-focused Aspect Warriors. If you get all three you’ll get 4 points which aren’t too bad but might be hard to do both in one turn.

40k Eldar Leaks Avatar of Khaine Datasheets

Originally seen on Reddit, this blurry Eldar datasheets features the model and the full rules page! So let’s dive in and see what we can get from it.

blurry new avatar of khaineStarting out with the model image in the top left, we can match up all the teaser video screen caps to more or less confirm this as legit! The fire/armor image looks like it was his knee, with everything else being pretty obvious.

As for matching the artwork, it also looks pretty dang close, making the fifth model match up to old-school MG art! The only real difference is a slight posture change with his arms being slightly canted, instead of parallel. The glowing fire effect was also reimagined to the burning on his knees.

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Additionally, all of the rumored rules from the Christmas Eldar leaks above for the new Eldar Avatar also look 100% correct, which means it was a pretty reliable source after all!

If you aren’t familiar with the old rules, We’ve also got that for you right here:

avatar of khaine oldJust by comparing the sheer size of the sheet, we can see that the Avatar of Khaine re-work/update is a big one, getting a ton of added power!

For an extra 70 points (rumored to be 270 from above), he sees upgrades across his entire statline, with everything getting better (except the WS and BS which were already at 2+)

His ranged attack gets a huge power boost and gains a very similar effect to Mortarion’s pistol getting a “shoot over” effect damaging models to passes over. Which thanks to the upgraded stats of the attack, make it much, much better overall.

As for melee, he gets a two-profile option for focused and multi-target attacks. The focused hit has a base of 7 attacks at 14S, -5 AP, and averages 5 damage, making it ridiculously strong. While the sweep has 14 attacks at 7S, -2 AP, 2 damage, making for an easy space marine squad wiper with each wound removing a full model.

His old 5+ invulnerable save has been upgraded to a 4+, but now ALSO reduces damage by half! His auras were also slightly changed, now “moral tests” just ignore modifiers instead of auto-passing, which is fine. While his re-roll charge aura was reduced to 6″ range. Both auras of course also only affect CORE units, as with every other updated factions’ auras. He also gained an explosion on 6s when destroyed which is fine, and on the theme for the violent departure of the Avatar.

Lastly, there is a new downside, which restricts him to not being able to take a Warlord Trait or Relic, which seems completely fair seeing as this guy just got upgraded all the way up to a mini-Mortarion for a fraction of the cost!

Wraithknight Rules

eldar leaks 7These are pretty hard to read as it almost looks like someone blew up a tiny screenshot for the Eldar Wraithknight rules (or purposefully blurred one). To us, that looks like 22 Wounds, and a 3+ save. The Heavy Wraithcannon looks to be Heavy D3 with d3+6 Damage and the ability to deal Mortals and a 6+ Invulnerable save (maybe, hard to see the number).

The good news is this image seems to match the previous Wraithknight Eldar datasheet rules already spotted for 9th Edition here.

Warlock 40k Rule Datasheets

eldar leaks 11If this is right it looks like the new Eldar Warlocks rules datasheets will be 2 wounds and be able to have a single power. Then it looks like for every Farseer in your army you can take one of these without taking up an army slot. Lastly, we see a 4+ Invuln save here as well.

Yncarne 40k Eldar Rule Datasheets

eldar leaksThis one is the hardest to read, so we’re not going to take too many guesses. However, the Harlequins all look like they will have a 4+ invuln, can do a similar thing with ignoring cover, and will be reducing the enemy’s hit roll in combat.

Visarch 40k Rule Datasheets

eldar leaks 5First, it looks like you can return a model destroyed within 6 inches of this to life with one wound on a 4+. That could be super insane when you think about it says just Aeldari, not core models. Then, if it’s a character, they get an extra attack for the rest of the game. Then, you won’t be able to shoot Yvraine as long as a model is within 3 inches.

eldar leaks 10The D-Cannon can target units that are not in LoS, then on top of that, the weapon does a mortal on every wound roll of a 6. Plus, the strength and damage overall are super high.

40k Eldar Rumors Howling Banshees

Howling BansheeThey got some decent buffs here with enough damage and Ap to hopefully take out some models in cc, especially with the addition to the wound roll and Strength 4 on the charge.

So should be hitting and wounding on 3’s against most units. Then, with the advance and charge rule, you should be able to get them in combat quickly.

eldar advent engine day 21These new Eldar rules datasheets seem to confirm the rumored -1 to hit rule rumors along with a fight last mechanic, and there even seems to be something in there about turning off overwatch as well.

Wraithguard & Wraithblades

WraithguardWraithcannons are definitely better now with S10 and D3+3, they should be able to mow down units when they get close. Then, you can even shoot into melee with those cannons!

Now though, they do have some downsides, no fallback and shoot for free, no Wraith Fists, and from the looks of it, D-Scythes have to roll to hit. Plus the D-scythes cannot be shot in combat as you can never shoot a blast weapon in combat unless they change that somehow.

WraithbladesThey will be getting 5 (maybe 10?) attacks each. That number is hard to read, but man, if they get 10 attacks each, they will be truly insane combat monsters.

eldar advent engine day 13We’ll have to wait for better pics to tell for sure, but once again it looks like the Eldar rumors were true for their abilities.

40k Eldar Rules Corsairs & Wave Serpent Weapons

Wave Serpent RulesCrystal Matrix is getting a pretty sizeable buff and Serpent Shield is also getting better with a 5++ and no wounds on 1-3. Then Spirit stones are also updated.

Wave SerpentThe corsairs can take their version of a DE blaster (same profile) a DE Shredder and a ton of weapons. However, it looks like they removed Brace of Pistols, but they may be able to take and shoot two pistols? We don’t know quite yet. Other than that it looks like a 4+ Invuln and just a lot of cool weapon options.

Harlequins Troupe & Master

eldar harlequin troupe master

  • Troupe Master eldar datasheets revealed showing huge amounts of weapon info (see above)
  • Choreographer of war gives reroll 1 on wound aura
  • Different harlequin weapons now give special keywords to the model/unit
  • Three abilities with info on another page (core abilities?) Harlequins Panoply, Luck of the Laughing God, Rising
  • Crescendo
  • Luck gives free rerolls


  • Still 4++
  • Fusion pistol new D6+2, no limit on taking them
  • All melee +1S AP2 D2
  • Each of their weapons have a related stratagem
  • One will give mortal wounds on 6s (likely kiss)
  • One of the other two will ignore invulns
  • New Masque system complete with WL trait, relic and Strat
  • Can give advance and shoot, as well as attack before removing model in melee
  • Shuriken Cannon shown on starweaver datasheet (only shown weapon profile)

Overall these rumors seem to line up with other sets out there, along with the official GW reveals and previews thus far…  Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about all the new Eldar codex rules and datasheets rumors? 

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