GW Reveals New 40k Chaos Space Marines & Cultists

chaos-new-space-marines-warahmmer-fest-cultists-mutantsThe GW Warhammer Fest preview revealed a ton of new 40k Chaos Space Marines models and Cultists miniatures!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, along with our commentary! It looks like you’re in luck for those hoping for new models coming to 40k!

GW Warhammer Fest Preview

Warhammer Fest

As with last year, there’ll be four full days of online reveals, each with a different theme. But Warhammer Fest has traditionally been an in-person event – and we’ll be back in the flesh this year, with a huge Horus Heresy open day on the final day at Warhammer World.

The action kicks off on the 4th of May, with a day dedicated to Warhammer 40,000 – including more than a few unexpected surprises. Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets the treatment on the 5th of May, with new units, new battletomes, and new characters. Then the 6th of May is skirmish day – a treat for fans of more than a few Warhammer game systems.

It’s good to see both AoS and 40k getting their own days because hopefully, this means tons of reveals along with Horus Heresy and Specialist Games.

New 40k Chaos Space Marines Models & Cultists Miniatures

New Chaos Space Marines Possessed

chaos possessed

Whether you’re a devout Word Bearer eager to share your body with a creature of the warp, an unfortunate victim of your Legion’s Master of Possession, or simply want to field a spectacular squad of devastating daemonkin, these warped and mutated creatures will fit into any force from the new codex.

New Chaos Preview


New Chaos Preview

Heavy-hitting half-daemons offer some monstrous melee power, making them a great way to back up a gathered mob of Cultists. Fortunately, there’s a new box of miniatures on the way to represent those motley mortals foolish or ambitious enough to throw in their lot with the Dark Gods.

New Chaos PreviewFirst up are a totally new kit for the Possessed that is scaled up to 40mm bases and stands shoulder to shoulder with a Primaris in Gravis armor. The kit looks like there will be many bits, and they even mention it is a big, multi-part kit.

New Cultists

Chaos cultists 2Next up, the Cultists are grabbing a new standard troop kit that honestly looks pretty sweet. They don’t mention how multi-part they are.

Chaos cultists

Vile abominations or blasphemous zealots – can’t decide? Why not both? The new Accursed Cultists represent the insane variety (and varied insanity) that overcomes mortal followers of the Traitor Legions, with a frenzied array of misshapen Mutants.

Accursed Cultists Mutants

Chaos Accursed mutants

These gaggles of unholy heretic are accompanied on the battlefield by the horribly warped Torments – twisted beyond recognisability by dark rituals and daemonic influence, these abominations lurch forward to pounce on their enemies with a bestial hunger.

New Chaos PreviewHowever, this isn’t everything cultists are getting. Next up are the Accursed Cultists Mutants, who have begun mutating with the dark warp energies.

They have been a part of the IP for a while, but it’s nice to see them grab models. Also, they mention they will be horde style, so we expect them to be quite cheap but have some nice strength.

Accursed Cultists Torments

accursed cultists

These grosteque guys lend a classic Lost and Damned feeling to any army of Traitoris Astartes – and they’ll be a welcome addition for any Chaos Lord who enjoys commanding a Cultist-heavy horde of mortal rabble, whether it’s an Alpha Legion rebel cell or the indentured helots of the Iron Warriors.

New Chaos PreviewBut wait, there is more for the cultists!!!! These Torments actually go along with the models above in a big unit. One of these can rip apart some Space Marines, so these actually give you some punch to the army.

New Chaos Cult Leaders, The Dark Commune

Chaos Dark Commune

This squad is the festering heart of any Chaos cult, and offers a profane platter of prayers and powers. The priestly Cult Demagogue leads the congregation, accompanied by the psychic Mindwitch and inspiring Iconrach, all guarded by two Blessed Blades, whose sword skills keep unbelievers at bay.

New Chaos PreviewThe new HQ choice and the leaders of your cultist insurrection is the Dark Commune. You get a psyker, banner, two bodyguards (Blessed Blades), and the Cult leader.

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

Click Here For All the GW Previews From Warhammer Fest

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