Squats Exo-Armor is Back: Necromunda Driller Revealed

New squats leagues of votann models miniatures necromundaExo-armor is back for the Squats, as GW revealed a new Battlesuit Vartijan Exo-Driller model for Necromunda!

While the new Leagues of Votann are still a ways off, the new divergent Squats of Necromunda might be hitting shelves earlier! They aren’t really part of the Leagues as they haven’t really had much contact in thousands of years and are closer to what the original Squats were like.

In Necromunda, they are a mining faction, and sometimes the job is too big for a normal miner. That’s where this comes in! Even though it’s made for mining, you know it will be deadly in combat.

Let’s jump into the announcement from Warhammer Community but first check out the other Necromunda Squats we’ve seen!

New Divergent Ironhead Squats Prospectors Coming to Necromunda!

Yes, you wait 30 years for the return of the Squats, and then they all come back at once! These are the Ironhead Squat Prospectors – tough and resourceful miners out in the ash wastes who are more than capable of defending themselves from anyone that tries to take the treasures they dig up.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsIt looks like Squats are taking over all the aspects of the 40k universe, and these are divergent cousins of the Leagues of Votann kin!

Ironhead Squat Prospectors


Ironhead Squat Prospectors

The gang comes loaded with cool kit from boltguns to heavy stubbers, and they’re not afraid to use mining equipment like stone burners and power hammers in a fight either.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsThey say they will be slow but super tough, good at shooting, and have great tech!

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsThese really harken back to the old days, which is awesome for anyone who really has that hard-hitting Squat nostalgia.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsWhen the Imperium went through its rebuilding was Necromunda, Squats settled there, and guess what? They are still there kicking butt and searching for treasure.

They are actually quite distant cousins, supposedly from the Leagues of Votann. So we’re not sure how they will work together, or if they are just totally something their own.

They mention they are super far apart, so we doubt they can be used in Warhammer 40k with rules. But then, they say they have some shared heritage, so who knows?

Book of the Outlands

book of the outlandsThere will be a new book for the Ash Wastes, with a ton of lore and new rules for campaigns out in the dusty wastes.

Necromunda Squats: Battlesuit Vartijan Exo-Driller Armor

Squats battlesuit

These suits of rugged exo-armour were originally designed to protect Squat miners in the most hostile environments – and the ash wastes definitely qualify. They’ve been upgraded over the centuries with heavier weapons and better defenses, and Prospector gangs now bring them along to fight off Ash Waste Nomads or other hostiles trying to claim the prime dig sites out in the Necromundan badlands.

The Battlesuit Vartijan Exo-Driller is pretty cool and has a similar feel to the Squats themselves. We haven’t seen really any rules for them yet, but we expect this to hit quite hard and hopefully be very hard to kill!

Squats battlesuit 2

The Vartijan Exo-Driller is a widely-used variant, named after the legendary Squat engineer Valya Vartijan, of the Svardhol mining clan – make sure you give thanks to her every time it stomps an enemy fighter into jam. Aside from its piston-powered pulverising fist and seismic crusher, the suit’s also armed with a Squat-made heavy flamer – which can be replaced with a heavy bolter for even more serious killing potential.

The good news is their rules will be in the Outlands book, so we don’t have too long to wait to see what they can do!

Love everything squats- then check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Click Here For All the GW Previews From Warhammer Fest

Are you excited about all the new Divergent Squats miniatures and the return of Battlesuit Vartijan Exo-Driller armor?

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